Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation and the Bioaccumulation of Selected Micronutrients in Harvested Rice Grains
Corresponding Author(s) : Charles O. Joseph
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 10 No. 4 (2021)
Alternate wetting and drying irrigation (AWDI) is a water saving strategy in rice farming. However, its impact on mineral bioaccumulation in the grain is not well understood. Thus, this study investigated the impact of AWDI on bioaccumulation of Zn, Se, Mn and Cu in rice grains. Six water regimes involving continuous flooding where water was maintained at 2cm above the soil, and delaying irrigation until water reaches 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40cm below the soil surface, were employed. The concentration of Zn, Mn and Se in the soil ranged between 2.05–6.9, 3.4–9.1 and 0.13–0.16 mgkg-1, respectively. In the harvested rice grains, the concentration of Zn, Mn, Cu and Se ranged between 8.20–11.90, 1.90– 3.50, 1.90–3.10 and 0.10–0.70 mgkg-1, respectively. These concentrations were not phytotoxic to plants. Re-flooding after every 2–5 days increased Zn, Mn and Cu bioaccumulation in rice grains by 65, 151 and 124% respectively, but reduced Se bioaccumulation by 95%. Re-flooding after every 8–12 days reduced bioaccumulation of all micronutrients in rice grains. Bioaccumulation factors indicated that Zn was absorbed and subsequently accumulated in rice grains. The estimated dietary daily intakes for Zn, Mn and Cu were higher in rice grown under mild AWDI, implying that AWDI can be used as a strategy to increase these micronutrients in human diets through rice consumption.
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- Gao, X., C. Zou & X. Fan 2006. from Flooded to Aerobic Conditions in Rice Cultivation: Consequences for ZN Uptake. Plant Soil. 280: 41–47. https: //–004–7652–0. Impa, S.M. & S.E. Johnson-Beebout. 2012. Mitigating Zn Deficiency and Achieving High Grain Zn in Rice Through Integration of Soil Chemistry and Plant Physiology Research. Plant Soil, 361: 3–41. https: //–012–1315–3. Institute of Medicine. 2001. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https: // Institute of Medicine (US) Panel on Micronutrients. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). https: // Joe, L.F. & L. Deer. 2016. Heavy Metal Analysis of Plants Tested in the Stucky Ridge Comparative Evaluation Planting. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Plant Materials Technical Note No. MT-117 https: //www.nrcs. internet/ fse_plantmaterials/publications/mtpmctn12936.pdf. Kabata, A.P. & H. Pendias. 2001. Trace Metals in Soils and Plants. 3rded, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla, USA. http: // Li, H.F., L.J. Enzo, S.P.M. Stroud & J.Z. Fang. 2010. Se Speciation in Soil and Rice: Influence of Water Management and SSE Fertilization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58: 11837–11843. https: // Liu, H., A. Probst & B. Liao. 2005. Metal Contamination of Soils and Crops Affected By the Chenzhou Lead/ZN Mine Spill (Hunan, China). Science and Total Environment, 339(3): 153–166. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.07.030. Masscheleyn, P.H., R.D. Delaune & W.H. Patrick. 1990. Transformations of Se, as Affected By Sediment Oxidation Reduction Potential and Ph. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 24: 91–96. https: // Meharg, A.A., P.N. Williams, E. Adamako, Y.Y. Lawgali, C. Deacon, A. Villada, … & J. Yanai. 2009. Geographical Variation in Total and Inorganic Arsenic Content of Polished (White) Rice. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 43: 1612–1617. https: // Mori, A., J.D.K. Guy, J.S. Lee, J.M. Mark, K.N. Amrit, E.J.B. Sarah & W. Matthias. 2016. Rice Genotype Differences in Tolerance of Zn-Deficient Soils: Evidence for the Importance of Root-Induced Changes in the Rhizosphere. Frontiers of Plant Science. 6: 1160–1170. https: //doi. org/10.3389/ fpls.2015.01160. Nakandalage, N., N. Marc, M.N. Robert, H. Naoki, J.M. Paul & S. Saman. 2016. Improving Rice Zinc Biofortification Success Rates Through Genetic and Crop Management Approaches in a Changing Environment. Frontiers of Plant Science Front Plant Sciences, 7: 764. doi: 10.3389/ fpls. 2016.00764. Oliver, M.M.H., M.S.U. Talukder & M. Ahmed. 2008. Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation for Rice Cultivation Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 6(2): 409–414 https: //www. banglajol. info/ index.php/jbau/article/view/4841. Orasen, G., D.N. Patrizia, L. Giorgio, A. Alessandro, P. Michele, M. Moez, … & A.S. Gian. 2019. Continuous Flooding or Alternate Wetting and Drying Di?erently A?ect the Accumulation of Health-Promoting Phytochemicals and Minerals in Rice Brown Grain. Agronomy, 9(10): 628–635. https: // 10.3390/ agronomy9100628. Oria, M., M. Harrison & V.A Stallings. 2019. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Food and Nutrition Board; Committee to Review the Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium; Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). https: // =objectonly. Rehman, H.U., T. Aziz, T. Farooq, W. Abdul & R. Zed. 2012. Zn Nutrition in Rice Production Systems: A Review. Plant Soil., 361(2): 203–226.https: //–012–1346–9. Rose, M.T., T.J. Rose, J. Pariasca-Tanaka & M.W. Widodo. 2011. Revisiting the Role of Organic Acids in the Bicarbonate Tolerance of Zn-E?cient Rice Genotypes. Functional. Plant Biology, 38: 493– 504. https: // 10.1071/fp11008. Shah, D., H.S. Sachdev, T. Gera, L.M. De-Regil & J.P Peña-Rosas. 2016. Fortification of Staple Foods With Zinc for Improving Zinc Status and Other Health Outcomes in the General Population. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 6. Art. No. CD010697. doi: 10.1002/ 14651858. cd010697.pub2. Sparks, D.L., A.L. Page, P.A. Helmke & R.H. Loeppert, (Eds.). 1996. Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3, Chemical Methods. Madison, Wis. Soil Science Society of America: American Society of Agronomy https: // california_ waterfix/ exhibits/docs/islands/ii_41.pdf. Trumbo, P., A.A. Yates, S. Schlicker & M. Poos. 2001. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Cu, Iodine, Iron, Mn, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium and Zn. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 101(3): 294–301, https: //doi. org/ 10.1016/s0002–8223(01)00078–5. Vinay, S., K.S. Dinesh, K. Ashish, K. Hari & K. Prashant. 2020. Breeding for Biofortification Traits in Rice: Means to Eradicate Hidden Hunger, Agronomy–Climate Change & Food Security, Amanullah, Intechopen, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.91144. https: //www. Wan, T.L., S. Liu, Q.Y. Tang & J.A. Cheng. 2014. Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation and Mobility from Rice Plants to Nilaparvatalugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in China. Environment. Entomology, 43(3): 654–661. https: // Wang, Y.Y., Y.Y. Wei, L.X. Dong, L.L. Lu., Y. Feng, J. Zhang, F.S. Pan & X.E. Yang. 2014. Improved Yield and Zn Accumulation for Rice Grain By Zn Fertilization and Optimized Water Management. Journal of Zhejiang University of Science, 15(4): 365–374. doi: 10.1631/jzus.b1300263. World Health Organisation (WHO). 2002. World Health Report Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. WHO: Geneva, Switzerland. https: // —. 2013. Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. Meeting and World Health Organization Who Expert Committee on Biological Standardization: Sixtieth Report. Volume 977 World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland. https: // committee/ trs_977_ 60th_report.pdf. Williams, P.N., E. Lombi, G.X. Sun, K. Scheckel, Y.G. Zhu, X.B. Feng, J.M. Zhu, A.M. Carey, E. Adomako, Y. Lawgali, C. Deacon & A.A Meharg. 2009. Se Characterization in the Global Rice Supply Chain. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(15): 6024–603010.1021/Es900671m. Xu, R., A. Zhao, X.K. Li & G. Ji. 2003. Acidity Regime of the Red Soils in a Subtropical Region of Southern China Under Field Conditions. Geoderma, 115(2): 75–84. https: // 10.1016/ s0016–7061(03)00077–6. Zhuang, P., M.B. Mcbride, H. Xia, N. Li & Z. Li. 2009. Health Risk from Heavy Metals Via Consumption of Food Crops in the Vicinity of Dabaoshan Mine, South China. Science Total Environment. 407(5): 1551–1561. https: //
Gao, X., C. Zou & X. Fan 2006. from Flooded to Aerobic Conditions in Rice Cultivation: Consequences for ZN Uptake. Plant Soil. 280: 41–47. https: //–004–7652–0. Impa, S.M. & S.E. Johnson-Beebout. 2012. Mitigating Zn Deficiency and Achieving High Grain Zn in Rice Through Integration of Soil Chemistry and Plant Physiology Research. Plant Soil, 361: 3–41. https: //–012–1315–3. Institute of Medicine. 2001. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https: // Institute of Medicine (US) Panel on Micronutrients. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). https: // Joe, L.F. & L. Deer. 2016. Heavy Metal Analysis of Plants Tested in the Stucky Ridge Comparative Evaluation Planting. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Plant Materials Technical Note No. MT-117 https: //www.nrcs. internet/ fse_plantmaterials/publications/mtpmctn12936.pdf. Kabata, A.P. & H. Pendias. 2001. Trace Metals in Soils and Plants. 3rded, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla, USA. http: // Li, H.F., L.J. Enzo, S.P.M. Stroud & J.Z. Fang. 2010. Se Speciation in Soil and Rice: Influence of Water Management and SSE Fertilization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58: 11837–11843. https: // Liu, H., A. Probst & B. Liao. 2005. Metal Contamination of Soils and Crops Affected By the Chenzhou Lead/ZN Mine Spill (Hunan, China). Science and Total Environment, 339(3): 153–166. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.07.030. Masscheleyn, P.H., R.D. Delaune & W.H. Patrick. 1990. Transformations of Se, as Affected By Sediment Oxidation Reduction Potential and Ph. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 24: 91–96. https: // Meharg, A.A., P.N. Williams, E. Adamako, Y.Y. Lawgali, C. Deacon, A. Villada, … & J. Yanai. 2009. Geographical Variation in Total and Inorganic Arsenic Content of Polished (White) Rice. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 43: 1612–1617. https: // Mori, A., J.D.K. Guy, J.S. Lee, J.M. Mark, K.N. Amrit, E.J.B. Sarah & W. Matthias. 2016. Rice Genotype Differences in Tolerance of Zn-Deficient Soils: Evidence for the Importance of Root-Induced Changes in the Rhizosphere. Frontiers of Plant Science. 6: 1160–1170. https: //doi. org/10.3389/ fpls.2015.01160. Nakandalage, N., N. Marc, M.N. Robert, H. Naoki, J.M. Paul & S. Saman. 2016. Improving Rice Zinc Biofortification Success Rates Through Genetic and Crop Management Approaches in a Changing Environment. Frontiers of Plant Science Front Plant Sciences, 7: 764. doi: 10.3389/ fpls. 2016.00764. Oliver, M.M.H., M.S.U. Talukder & M. Ahmed. 2008. Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation for Rice Cultivation Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 6(2): 409–414 https: //www. banglajol. info/ index.php/jbau/article/view/4841. Orasen, G., D.N. Patrizia, L. Giorgio, A. Alessandro, P. Michele, M. Moez, … & A.S. Gian. 2019. Continuous Flooding or Alternate Wetting and Drying Di?erently A?ect the Accumulation of Health-Promoting Phytochemicals and Minerals in Rice Brown Grain. Agronomy, 9(10): 628–635. https: // 10.3390/ agronomy9100628. Oria, M., M. Harrison & V.A Stallings. 2019. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Food and Nutrition Board; Committee to Review the Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium; Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). https: // =objectonly. Rehman, H.U., T. Aziz, T. Farooq, W. Abdul & R. Zed. 2012. Zn Nutrition in Rice Production Systems: A Review. Plant Soil., 361(2): 203–226.https: //–012–1346–9. Rose, M.T., T.J. Rose, J. Pariasca-Tanaka & M.W. Widodo. 2011. Revisiting the Role of Organic Acids in the Bicarbonate Tolerance of Zn-E?cient Rice Genotypes. Functional. Plant Biology, 38: 493– 504. https: // 10.1071/fp11008. Shah, D., H.S. Sachdev, T. Gera, L.M. De-Regil & J.P Peña-Rosas. 2016. Fortification of Staple Foods With Zinc for Improving Zinc Status and Other Health Outcomes in the General Population. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 6. Art. No. CD010697. doi: 10.1002/ 14651858. cd010697.pub2. Sparks, D.L., A.L. Page, P.A. Helmke & R.H. Loeppert, (Eds.). 1996. Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3, Chemical Methods. Madison, Wis. Soil Science Society of America: American Society of Agronomy https: // california_ waterfix/ exhibits/docs/islands/ii_41.pdf. Trumbo, P., A.A. Yates, S. Schlicker & M. Poos. 2001. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Cu, Iodine, Iron, Mn, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium and Zn. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 101(3): 294–301, https: //doi. org/ 10.1016/s0002–8223(01)00078–5. Vinay, S., K.S. Dinesh, K. Ashish, K. Hari & K. Prashant. 2020. Breeding for Biofortification Traits in Rice: Means to Eradicate Hidden Hunger, Agronomy–Climate Change & Food Security, Amanullah, Intechopen, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.91144. https: //www. Wan, T.L., S. Liu, Q.Y. Tang & J.A. Cheng. 2014. Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation and Mobility from Rice Plants to Nilaparvatalugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in China. Environment. Entomology, 43(3): 654–661. https: // Wang, Y.Y., Y.Y. Wei, L.X. Dong, L.L. Lu., Y. Feng, J. Zhang, F.S. Pan & X.E. Yang. 2014. Improved Yield and Zn Accumulation for Rice Grain By Zn Fertilization and Optimized Water Management. Journal of Zhejiang University of Science, 15(4): 365–374. doi: 10.1631/jzus.b1300263. World Health Organisation (WHO). 2002. World Health Report Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. WHO: Geneva, Switzerland. https: // —. 2013. Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. Meeting and World Health Organization Who Expert Committee on Biological Standardization: Sixtieth Report. Volume 977 World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland. https: // committee/ trs_977_ 60th_report.pdf. Williams, P.N., E. Lombi, G.X. Sun, K. Scheckel, Y.G. Zhu, X.B. Feng, J.M. Zhu, A.M. Carey, E. Adomako, Y. Lawgali, C. Deacon & A.A Meharg. 2009. Se Characterization in the Global Rice Supply Chain. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(15): 6024–603010.1021/Es900671m. Xu, R., A. Zhao, X.K. Li & G. Ji. 2003. Acidity Regime of the Red Soils in a Subtropical Region of Southern China Under Field Conditions. Geoderma, 115(2): 75–84. https: // 10.1016/ s0016–7061(03)00077–6. Zhuang, P., M.B. Mcbride, H. Xia, N. Li & Z. Li. 2009. Health Risk from Heavy Metals Via Consumption of Food Crops in the Vicinity of Dabaoshan Mine, South China. Science Total Environment. 407(5): 1551–1561. https: //