The Influence of Economic Factors and Policies on Deforestation in Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : thadei sagamiko
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): SPECIAL ISSUE OF SCIENCE, 2020
In this paper we analysed the influence of economic factors and policy on the rate of
deforestation in Tanzania. A multiple linear regression model was formulated and the
effects of each factor on deforestation were tested. The ordinary least squares method was
used to estimate the model parameters. Correlation analysis revealed that per capita
income, per capita purchasing power, and electricity consumption have positive
relationship with deforestation rate; while inflation rate and poverty rate have a negative
relationship with deforestation rate. All factors were found to be significant and were used
for regression analysis. By considering the p-value at 5% level, the coefficient of
determination from regression analysis indicated that 87% of deforestation rate is caused
by explanatory variables captured in the model; and all explanatory variables had positive
impact on deforestation. Thus, it is suggested that policy and decision-making should link
with the country’s desire for economic growth and environmental management.
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