Dynamics of Juvenile Delinquency and Crimes In Arusha City, Tanzania: An Agenda for Development
Corresponding Author(s) : Stephen J. Nindi
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Juvenile delinquency and crimes creates enormous setbacks in the development process
mostly in third world countries like Tanzania whose mechanisms to deal with the
situation are weak. This paper examines the dynamics of juvenile delinquency and
crimes and their mitigation measures in a study done in Arusha, Tanzania. The study
results showed that juveniles involved in delinquent behaviours are as young as 12 years
old, and most join the bandwagon after completion of primary school education. Poverty
is the main factor for their involvement in juvenile crimes; and so are peer influence,
drug abuse, and alcoholism. The paper recommends the design of comprehensive
strategies to improve the roadmap to youth life, especially those who do not get an
opportunity to join secondary education. Efforts that encourage strong family ties were
found pertinent to deal with juvenile delinquencies and crimes. It is important to ensure
that youth in Tanzania become an integral part of the development process as they form
the largest proportion of the country’s population.
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