Compulsory Science Policy, Student Performance, And Teachers’ Role: Uganda’s Experience
Corresponding Author(s) : Joyce Ayikoru Asiimwe
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 3 1 & 2 (2014): Volume 3, Nos. 1 & 2, 2014
Using Lipsky’s concept of the street-level bureaucrat, this paper highlights how
teachers may be contributing to students’ high failure rates within the framework of
the recent educational reforms, with particular focus on the Compulsory Science
Policy (CSP). Analysis of students’ performance in science and mathematics before and
after the policy indicates that secondary schools have continued to register high
student failure rates in mathematics and the core sciences. This dismal performance puts
science teachers on the spotlight and threatens to undermine their professional
competence. Over the years science teachers have often responded to the dilemma of
high failure rates by locating the problem within the schools, students, and students’
home environment. Teachers rarely think of themselves as part of the problem. The
paper argues that to realize the critical human resource base required to drive the
country into the direction of achieving its national goals, there is need for teachers to
identify themselves with student failures and become accountable for the teaching
and learning outcomes in secondary schools.
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