The Relationship Between Parents’ Socio-Economic Status and Pre-schoolers’ Cognitive Development in Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : Magolanga Shagembe
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 10 6 (2021)
This study examines the relationship between parents’ socio-economic status and
cognitive development in pre-schoolers. Specifically, it explores the level of cognitive
skills as demonstrated by pre-schoolers in a home environment, and the relationship
between parents’ socio-economic status and pre-schoolers’ cognitive development. A
total of 390 participants—including 195 children aged between 4 and 5 years and their
parents (195)—from Msalala district in Shinyanga region completed a questionnaire
with items on parents’ socio-economic status and cognitive skills of pre-schoolers.
Findings indicated a significant positive relationship between parents’ level of
education and both communication and problem-solving skills among pre-schoolers.
There was a significant negative relationship between parents’ occupational status and
problem-solving skills in pre-schoolers. No relationship was found between parents’
income and both communication and problem-solving skills in pre-schoolers. It is
concluded that parents’ socio-economic status is significantly related to cognitive
functioning of pre-schoolers. Based on the findings, the study, recommends that current
efforts to improve the quality of pre-school and early childhood education should go
hand in hand with the promotion of parents’ socio-economic status.
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Ribe, I., E. Svensen, B. Lyngmo, E. Mduma & S. Hinderaker. 2018. Determinants of Early Child
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Sanders, M. R. & Morawska, A. 2014. Can Changing Parental Knowledge, Dysfunctional Expectatons
and Attributions & Emotional Regulation Improve Outcomes for Children? Encyclopedia on Early
Childhood Development. Retrieved on 20th May. 2019 from www.excellence.
Santos, D., A. Assis, A. Bastos, L. Santos, C. Santos & A. E. Strina. 2008. Determinants of Cognitive
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Siegler, R. 2017. Cognitive Development in Childhood. In R.Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds). Champaign,
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Yeung, W., M. Linver & J. Brooks-Gunn. 2002. How Money Matters for Young Children’s
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Zamberlan, M. & Z. Biasoli-Alves. 1996. Family Interactions: Theory, Research and Intervention Subsidies.
Publisher of the State University of Lodrina.