The Participation of Female Teachers in Educational Leadership in Secondary Schools in Ubungo Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : Sarah Samson Mbogela
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 10 3 (2021): Special Issue Gender II
This study investigates female teachers’ participation in educational leadership in
secondary schools in Ubungo Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The objectives of the
study are threefold: (i) to explore the participation of female teachers in secondary
schools’ leadership; (ii) to investigate the challenges facing the participation of female
teachers in secondary schools’ leadership; and (iii) to establish strategies for enhancing
the participation of female teachers in the leadership of secondary schools. The study
employs a qualitative research approach using a single case study design. Data collection
methods were interviews, focus group discussions and documentary review. The collected
data were analysed using thematic analysis. The study found that the participation of
female teachers in leadership positions in secondary schools is low (34%) compared to that
of their male counterparts despite female teachers outnumbering male teachers in staff
establishments. Factors behind this low participation included: socialization and gender
stereotype; lack of confidence; gender roles; lack of training, seminars and workshops on
specific leadership positions; and inadequate role models and mentors. As such, strategies
for enhancing female teachers’ participation in educational leadership include
sensitization and gender awareness, gaining academic credentials, the presence of role
models and mentors, and affirmative action initiatives. Since the participation of female
teachers in educational leadership positions is essential to ensure gendered development
in school organization, the study recommended that equality measures be in place to
increase the number of females in leadership positions; and that there is a need to address
challenges that pull back the participation of females in leadership.
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Njogu, K. 2007. Government and Development: Towards Quality Leadership in Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya:
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Noble, C. 2014. The Paradox for Advancing Women in Paid Work and Public Life in Women Work and
Family. California, England: Praeger.
Nyoni, W.P., C. He & M. L. Yusuph. 2017. Sustainable Interventionism Enhancing Gender Parity in
Senior Leadership Positions in Higher Education in Tanzania. Journal of Education and Practice,
(13): 1–8.
Omboko, F. & S.O. Oyoo. 2011. Being a Female Head Teacher: The Tanzanian Experiences.
International Journal of Learning, 17(12): 337–350.
Sanchez, J. E. & B. Thornton. 2010. Gender Issues in K-12 Educational Leadership. Advancing Women
in Leadership Journal, 30(13): 1–15. Retrieved on 26th June 2019 from http://advancingwomen.
Segkulu, L. & K. Gyumah. 2016. Women in Educational Leadership Within the Tamale Metropolis.
Journal of Education and Practice, 7(19): 63–69.
Shah, S. & Shah, U. 2012. Women, Educational Leadership and Societal Culture. Education Basel, 2(3):
Suter, E. 2017. Social Cultural Factors Influencing Appointment of Head Teachers in Primary Schools
in Eldoret East Sub-Country Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 2(7): 23–39.
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London, England: UNESCO.
Wanjiru, M. J. 2011. Determinant of Gender Imbalance in Education Administration Among Teachers
in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. An M.A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Education
of the Nairobi University. Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
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