Demographic Factors as Determinants of Adolescents’ Help-seeking Intention for Sexual Exploitation in Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : Budeba Petro Mlyakado
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 10 3 (2021): Special Issue Gender II
This study examines the influence of adolescents’ gender, age, locality, and history of
sexual victimisation on adolescents’ help-seeking intention for sexual exploitation. It
compares how these demographic variables influence adolescents’ intention to seek help
from formal sources (teachers, police, doctors/nurses, counsellors/social workers, local
government leaders, and religious leaders); informal sources (parents, i.e., father and
mother), guardians (uncles, aunts and grandparents);siblings (brothers,sisters or cousins),
and friends. In this study, a cross-sectional survey is used to examine responses from a
stratified random sample of 1,116 adolescents aged 13-17 years (M = 15.66; SD = 1.09),
recruited from rural and urban secondary schools in Tanzania. The sample comprises 21%
of adolescents who indicated at least one experience of sexual victimisation, measured
using a modified ‘Sexual Coercion Scale’; whereas adolescents’ intention to seek help for
sexual exploitation is measured using the ‘General Help-Seeking Questionnaire’. Data
analyses are performed using dependent and independent t-tests. The results indicate that
the majority of the surveyed adolescents have moderate intention to seek help for sexual
exploitation. Additionally, being male, aged 15 years or below, living in urban, and having
a history of sexual victimisation are associated with low intention to seek help for sexual
exploitation, especially from informal sources of help. The findings of this study are
discussed in context of Tanzania. Interventions to enhance help-seeking intention and
behaviour among adolescents and remove the resistance to sources of help through
strengthening the preferred sources of help are suggested.
- Aalsma, M. C., G. D. Zimet, J. D. Fortenberry, M. J. Blythe & D. P. Orr. 2002. Report of Childhood
- Sexual Abuse by Adolescents and Young Adults: Stability over Time. The Journal of Sex Research,
- : 259–263.
- Abeid, M., P. Muganyizi, R. Mpembeni, E. Darj & P. Axemo. 2015. A Community-Based Intervention
- for Improving Health-Seeking Behaviour Among Sexual Violence Survivors: A Controlled Before
- and After Design Study in Rural Tanzania. Global Health Action, 8(1): 28608.
- Abeid, M., P. Muganyizi, P. Olsson, E. Darj & P. Axemo. 2014. Community Perceptions of Rape and
- Child Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative Study in Rural Tanzania. BMC International Health and Human
- Rights, 14(23). /10.1186/1472–698x-14–23.
- Abuya, B. A., E. O. Onsomu, D. Moore & J. Sagwe. 2012. A Phenomenological Study of Sexual
- Harassment and Violence Among Girls Attending High Schools in Urban Slums, Nairobi, Kenya.
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- Ajzen, I. 1991. The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
- Processes, 50: 179–211.–5978(91)90020–t.
- Andersson, N., S. Paredes-Solís, D. Milne, K. Omer, N. Marokoane, D. Laetsang & A. Cockcroft. 2012.
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- Cross-Sectional Studies in 10 Southern African Countries in 2003 and 2007. BMJ Open,
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- Andoh–Arthur, J., K. O. Asante & J. Osafo. 2015. Determinants of Psychological Help-Seeking
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- (4): 330–345.–015–9247–2.
- Barker, G. 2007. Adolescents, Social Support and Help-Seeking Behaviour: An International Literature
- Review and Programme Consultation with Recommendations for Action. WHO.
- Black, B. M., R. M. Tolman, M. Callahan, D. G. Saunders & A. N. Weisz. 2008. When Will Adolescents
- Tell Someone About Dating Violence Victimization? Violence Against Women, 14(7): 741–758.
- Bruhn, J. 2009. The Group Effect: Social Cohesion and Health Outcomes. Springer.
- Bruhns, M. E., A. Del Prado, J. Slezakova, A. J. Lapinski, T. Li & B. Pizer. 2018. Survivors’ Perspectives
- on Recovery from Commercial Sexual Exploitation Beginning in Childhood. The Counselling
- Psychologist, 46(4): 413–455.
- Chan, R. K. & K. Hayashi. 2010. Gender Roles and Help-Seeking Behaviour: Promoting Professional
- Help among Japanese Men. Journal of Social Work, 10(3): 243–262.
- Chang, H. 2008. Help-Seeking for Stressful Events among Chinese College Students in Taiwan: Roles
- of Gender, Prior History of Counselling, and Help-Seeking Attitudes. Journal of College Student
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- Christensen, L. B., R. B. JJohnson & L. A. Turner. 2015. Research Methods, Design, and Analysis (10th
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- Journal of Community Health, 44: 749–755.–019–00673–2.
- ECPAT International. 2016. Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation
- and Sexual Abuse. ECPAT International.
- Fleming, C. J. E., K. A. Lynch, M. B. Hakas & E. Belanger. 2021. Resource Use After Unwanted Sexual
- Experiences in Undergraduates: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Factors Related to the Decision
- to Seek Help. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(7–8): 3433–3452. 10.1177/
- Hess, T. R. & T. J. Tracey. 2013. Psychological Help-Seeking Intention among College Students
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- Hillis, S., J. Mercy, A. Amobi & H. Kress. 2016. Global Prevalence of Past-Year Violence against
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- Hurst, T. E. 2021. Prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation: Insights from Adult Survivors. Journal of
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- INTERPOL & ECPAT International. 2018. Towards a Global Indictor on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual
- Exploitation Material Summary Report. Bangkok, INTERPOL & ECPAT International.
- Judd, F., H. Jackson, A. Komiti, G. Murray, C. Fraser, A. Grieve & R. Gomez. 2006. Help-Seeking by
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- New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40: 769–776.
- Leavey, G., D. Rothi & R. Paul. 2011. Trust, Autonomy and Relationships: The Help-Seeking
- Preferences of Young People in Secondary Level Schools in London (UK). Journal of Adolescence,
- : 685–693. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2010.09.004.
- Lees, S., M. Marchant & N. Desmond. 2021. Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Using GenderTransformative Approaches at a Community Level in Rural Tanzania: The UZIKWASA Program. Journal
- of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13–14): 7791–7812. 0886260 519831373.
- Leung, L. C. 2017. Understanding the Help-Seeking Decisions of Sexual Assault Survivors:
- Implication for Social Work Practice in Hong Kong. International Social Work, 60(4): 927–940.
- Mccleary-Sills, J., S. Namy, J. Nyoni, D. Rweyemamu, A. Salvatory & E. Steven. 2016. Stigma, Shame
- and Women’s Limited Agency in Help-Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence. Global Public Health:
- (1–2): 224–235.
- Mlyakado, B. P. 2019. Perspectives of Teachers and Social Workers on Sexual Exploitation of
- Adolescent Students in Tanzania. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, 8(1): 64–82.
- Mlyakado, B. P. & J. C.-M. Li. 2019. Sexual Exploitation of Adolescent Students in Tanzania:
- Implication for Social Services. International Social Work, 62(3): 1104–1116. https://doi. org/
- 1177/0020872818774111.
- Morgan, T., D. Ness & M. Robinson. 2003. Students' Help-Seeking Behaviours by Gender, Racial
- Background, and Student Status. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 37(2): 151–166.
- Muganyizi, P. S., L. Nyström, P. Axemo & M. Emmelin. 2011. Managing in the Contemporary World:
- Rape Victims’ and Supporters’ Experiences of Barriers Within the Police and the Health Care
- System in Tanzania. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(16): 3187–3209.
- Nagai, S. 2015. Predictors of Help-Seeking Behavior: Distinction between Help-Seeking Intentions and
- Help-Seeking Behavior. Japanese Psychological Research, 57(4): 313–322. doi:10.1111/ jpr.12091.
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- Pheko, M. M., R. Chilisa, S. K. Balogun & C. Kgathi. 2013. Predicting Intentions to Seek Psychological
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- SAGE Open, 3: 1–11.
- Raviv, A., R. Sills, A. Raviv & P. Wilansky. 2000. Adolescents’ Help-Seeking Behaviour: The Difference
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- Rural Health. 19: 64–69.–1584.2011.01185.x.
- Sayem, A. M., H. A. Begum & S. S. Moneesha. 2015. Women's Attitudes towards Formal and Informal
- Support-Seeking Coping Strategies against Intimate Partner Violence. International Social Work,
- (2): 270–286. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/0020872813482957.
- United Republic of Tanzania (URT) & United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). 2016. National Plan
- of Action to End Violence against Women and Children in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Health,
- Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.
- org/ tanzania/sites/–10/tanzania-2016–npa-vawc.pdf.
- —. 1998. Sexual Offences Special Provisions Act. 1998. Dar es Salaam: URT.
- Vogel, D. L. & S. R. Wester. 2003. To Seek Help or Not to Seek Help: The Risks of Self-Disclosure.
- Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(3): 351–361.–
- 50.3.351.
- Wamoyi, J., A. M. Buller, D. Nyato, N. Kyegombe, R. Meiksin & L. Heise. 2018. “Eat and You Will Be
- Eaten”: A Qualitative Study Exploring Costs and Benefits of Age-Disparate Sexual Relationships
- in Tanzania and Uganda: Implications for Girls’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions.
- Reproductive Health, 15(207): 1–11.–018–0650–0.
- World Health Organization (WHO. 1986. Young People’s Health – a Challenge for Society: Report
- of a Study Group on Young People and Health for All by the Year 2000: Technical Report Series,
- No. 731.
- WHO & Pan-American Health Organization [PAHO]. 2012. Understanding and Addressing Violence
- against Women. bitstream/ handle/ 10665/77434/ who_ rhr_ 12.37_
- eng.pdf; jsessionid=ce71b4f42c22c5d68d97589511c10d73?sequence=1.
- Wilson, C. J., F. P. Deane, J. Ciarrochi & D. Rickwood. 2005. Measuring Help-Seeking Intentions: Properties
- of the General Help-Seeking Questionnaire. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 39(1): 15–28.
- Wubs, A. G., L. E. Aarø, S. Kaaya, H. Onya & C. Mathews. 2015. Social Cognition Variables and
- Victimization as Predictors of Sexual Debut among Adolescents in South Africa and Tanzania: A
- Multi-Group SEM Analysis. AIDS and Behavior. 19(12): 2141–2151. 10. 1016/
- s0140–6736(02)08221–1.
Aalsma, M. C., G. D. Zimet, J. D. Fortenberry, M. J. Blythe & D. P. Orr. 2002. Report of Childhood
Sexual Abuse by Adolescents and Young Adults: Stability over Time. The Journal of Sex Research,
: 259–263.
Abeid, M., P. Muganyizi, R. Mpembeni, E. Darj & P. Axemo. 2015. A Community-Based Intervention
for Improving Health-Seeking Behaviour Among Sexual Violence Survivors: A Controlled Before
and After Design Study in Rural Tanzania. Global Health Action, 8(1): 28608.
Abeid, M., P. Muganyizi, P. Olsson, E. Darj & P. Axemo. 2014. Community Perceptions of Rape and
Child Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative Study in Rural Tanzania. BMC International Health and Human
Rights, 14(23). /10.1186/1472–698x-14–23.
Abuya, B. A., E. O. Onsomu, D. Moore & J. Sagwe. 2012. A Phenomenological Study of Sexual
Harassment and Violence Among Girls Attending High Schools in Urban Slums, Nairobi, Kenya.
Journal of School Violence, 11(4): 323–344.
Ajzen, I. 1991. The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes, 50: 179–211.–5978(91)90020–t.
Andersson, N., S. Paredes-Solís, D. Milne, K. Omer, N. Marokoane, D. Laetsang & A. Cockcroft. 2012.
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Forced or Coerced Sex among School-Going Youth: National
Cross-Sectional Studies in 10 Southern African Countries in 2003 and 2007. BMJ Open,
Andoh–Arthur, J., K. O. Asante & J. Osafo. 2015. Determinants of Psychological Help-Seeking
Intentions of University Students in Ghana. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,
(4): 330–345.–015–9247–2.
Barker, G. 2007. Adolescents, Social Support and Help-Seeking Behaviour: An International Literature
Review and Programme Consultation with Recommendations for Action. WHO.
Black, B. M., R. M. Tolman, M. Callahan, D. G. Saunders & A. N. Weisz. 2008. When Will Adolescents
Tell Someone About Dating Violence Victimization? Violence Against Women, 14(7): 741–758.
Bruhn, J. 2009. The Group Effect: Social Cohesion and Health Outcomes. Springer.
Bruhns, M. E., A. Del Prado, J. Slezakova, A. J. Lapinski, T. Li & B. Pizer. 2018. Survivors’ Perspectives
on Recovery from Commercial Sexual Exploitation Beginning in Childhood. The Counselling
Psychologist, 46(4): 413–455.
Chan, R. K. & K. Hayashi. 2010. Gender Roles and Help-Seeking Behaviour: Promoting Professional
Help among Japanese Men. Journal of Social Work, 10(3): 243–262.
Chang, H. 2008. Help-Seeking for Stressful Events among Chinese College Students in Taiwan: Roles
of Gender, Prior History of Counselling, and Help-Seeking Attitudes. Journal of College Student
Development, 49(1): 41–51.
Christensen, L. B., R. B. JJohnson & L. A. Turner. 2015. Research Methods, Design, and Analysis (10th
Edn.). Pearson.
Chung, D. 2007. Making Meaning of Relationships: Young Women’s Experiences and
Understandings of Dating Violence. Violence Against Women, 13(12): 1274–1295.
1177/ 1077801207310433.
Dwyer, T., S. Kulasingam, K. M. Kamm, D. Chinunje, R. Malamsha, S. Mawji, . . . C. Majinge. 2019.
Risk-Taking Behaviors and Sexual Violence among Secondary School Students in Tanzania.
Journal of Community Health, 44: 749–755.–019–00673–2.
ECPAT International. 2016. Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation
and Sexual Abuse. ECPAT International.
Fleming, C. J. E., K. A. Lynch, M. B. Hakas & E. Belanger. 2021. Resource Use After Unwanted Sexual
Experiences in Undergraduates: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Factors Related to the Decision
to Seek Help. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(7–8): 3433–3452. 10.1177/
Hess, T. R. & T. J. Tracey. 2013. Psychological Help-Seeking Intention among College Students
across Three Problem Areas. Journal of Counselling and Development, 91(3): 321–330. https:// doi.
Hillis, S., J. Mercy, A. Amobi & H. Kress. 2016. Global Prevalence of Past-Year Violence against
Children: A Systematic Review and Minimum Estimates. Pediatrics, 137(3): E20154079.–4079.
Hurst, T. E. 2021. Prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation: Insights from Adult Survivors. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 36(13–14): 7350–7372.
INTERPOL & ECPAT International. 2018. Towards a Global Indictor on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual
Exploitation Material Summary Report. Bangkok, INTERPOL & ECPAT International.
Judd, F., H. Jackson, A. Komiti, G. Murray, C. Fraser, A. Grieve & R. Gomez. 2006. Help-Seeking by
Rural Residents for Mental Health Problems: The Importance of Agrarian Values. Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40: 769–776.
Leavey, G., D. Rothi & R. Paul. 2011. Trust, Autonomy and Relationships: The Help-Seeking
Preferences of Young People in Secondary Level Schools in London (UK). Journal of Adolescence,
: 685–693. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2010.09.004.
Lees, S., M. Marchant & N. Desmond. 2021. Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Using GenderTransformative Approaches at a Community Level in Rural Tanzania: The UZIKWASA Program. Journal
of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13–14): 7791–7812. 0886260 519831373.
Leung, L. C. 2017. Understanding the Help-Seeking Decisions of Sexual Assault Survivors:
Implication for Social Work Practice in Hong Kong. International Social Work, 60(4): 927–940.
Mccleary-Sills, J., S. Namy, J. Nyoni, D. Rweyemamu, A. Salvatory & E. Steven. 2016. Stigma, Shame
and Women’s Limited Agency in Help-Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence. Global Public Health:
(1–2): 224–235.
Mlyakado, B. P. 2019. Perspectives of Teachers and Social Workers on Sexual Exploitation of
Adolescent Students in Tanzania. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, 8(1): 64–82.
Mlyakado, B. P. & J. C.-M. Li. 2019. Sexual Exploitation of Adolescent Students in Tanzania:
Implication for Social Services. International Social Work, 62(3): 1104–1116. https://doi. org/
Morgan, T., D. Ness & M. Robinson. 2003. Students' Help-Seeking Behaviours by Gender, Racial
Background, and Student Status. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 37(2): 151–166.–06132–004.
Muganyizi, P. S., L. Nyström, P. Axemo & M. Emmelin. 2011. Managing in the Contemporary World:
Rape Victims’ and Supporters’ Experiences of Barriers Within the Police and the Health Care
System in Tanzania. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(16): 3187–3209.
Nagai, S. 2015. Predictors of Help-Seeking Behavior: Distinction between Help-Seeking Intentions and
Help-Seeking Behavior. Japanese Psychological Research, 57(4): 313–322. doi:10.1111/ jpr.12091.
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). 2019. Tanzania in Figures 2018. National Bureau of Statistics.
Pereira, A., A. Peterman & A. N. Neijhoft. 2020. Disclosure, Reporting and Help Seeking Among Child
Survivors of Violence: A Cross-Country Analysis. BMC Public Health, 20(1051).
Pheko, M. M., R. Chilisa, S. K. Balogun & C. Kgathi. 2013. Predicting Intentions to Seek Psychological
Help among Botswana University Students: The Role of Stigma and Help-Seeking Attitudes.
SAGE Open, 3: 1–11.
Raviv, A., R. Sills, A. Raviv & P. Wilansky. 2000. Adolescents’ Help-Seeking Behaviour: The Difference
between Self – and Other Referral. Journal of Adolescence, 23: 721–740.
Rughani, J., F. P. Deane & C. J. Wilson. 2011. Rural Adolescents’ Help-Seeking Intentions for
Emotional Problems: The Influence of Perceived Benefits and Stoicism. The Australian Journal of
Rural Health. 19: 64–69.–1584.2011.01185.x.
Sayem, A. M., H. A. Begum & S. S. Moneesha. 2015. Women's Attitudes towards Formal and Informal
Support-Seeking Coping Strategies against Intimate Partner Violence. International Social Work,
(2): 270–286. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/0020872813482957.
United Republic of Tanzania (URT) & United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). 2016. National Plan
of Action to End Violence against Women and Children in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Health,
Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.
org/ tanzania/sites/–10/tanzania-2016–npa-vawc.pdf.
—. 1998. Sexual Offences Special Provisions Act. 1998. Dar es Salaam: URT.
Vogel, D. L. & S. R. Wester. 2003. To Seek Help or Not to Seek Help: The Risks of Self-Disclosure.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(3): 351–361.–
Wamoyi, J., A. M. Buller, D. Nyato, N. Kyegombe, R. Meiksin & L. Heise. 2018. “Eat and You Will Be
Eaten”: A Qualitative Study Exploring Costs and Benefits of Age-Disparate Sexual Relationships
in Tanzania and Uganda: Implications for Girls’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions.
Reproductive Health, 15(207): 1–11.–018–0650–0.
World Health Organization (WHO. 1986. Young People’s Health – a Challenge for Society: Report
of a Study Group on Young People and Health for All by the Year 2000: Technical Report Series,
No. 731.
WHO & Pan-American Health Organization [PAHO]. 2012. Understanding and Addressing Violence
against Women. bitstream/ handle/ 10665/77434/ who_ rhr_ 12.37_
eng.pdf; jsessionid=ce71b4f42c22c5d68d97589511c10d73?sequence=1.
Wilson, C. J., F. P. Deane, J. Ciarrochi & D. Rickwood. 2005. Measuring Help-Seeking Intentions: Properties
of the General Help-Seeking Questionnaire. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 39(1): 15–28.
Wubs, A. G., L. E. Aarø, S. Kaaya, H. Onya & C. Mathews. 2015. Social Cognition Variables and
Victimization as Predictors of Sexual Debut among Adolescents in South Africa and Tanzania: A
Multi-Group SEM Analysis. AIDS and Behavior. 19(12): 2141–2151. 10. 1016/