Understanding Social Changes in Tanzania: Independence and Loss of Hegemonic Masculinity In Ruhumbika’s Village in Uhuru
Corresponding Author(s) : Edith Weseja Bwana
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 2 ##issue.no## 2 (2013)
The transition from colonialism to independence and Ujamaa had great impacts
on society—politically, economically and socially. This is discussed in relation to
the novel Village in Uhuru (1969) by Gabriel Ruhumbika. Within the backdrop of
independence, he explores the social changes that occur in the small village of
Chamambo. Through two main characters—namely Balinde and Musilanga—
Ruhumbika explores the changing social values. This paper argues that
masculinity is a social construct. It will explore how Musilanga serves as a
representative of hegemonic masculinity, and how through the actions of his son,
he is deprived of this designation, leaving a void which remains to be filled.
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Gender, Power and Privilege. In Kimmel, Hearn and Connell (eds.). Handbook of Studies
on Men and Masculinity. California: Sage Publications, Inc., p. 230–248.
Barrett, F. J. & S.M. Whitehead. 2001. The Sociology of Masculinity. In Barrett and
Whitehead (eds.). The Masculinities Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press, p. 1–26.
Bukenya, A.. 2010. Rapacious Masculinity: Gender and Ethno-Colonial Politics in a Swahili Novel.
Masculinities in African Literary and Cultural Texts. UK: Ayebia Clarke Publishing Limited.
Carby, H. V. 1987. Reconstructing Womanhood. New York: Oxford University Press.
Connell, R. W. 1995. Masculinities. California: University of California Press.
—. 2001. The Social Organisation of Masculinities. The Masculinities Reader. . In Barrett
and Whitehead (eds.). The Masculinities Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press, p. 30–50.
Connell, R. W. & J.W. Messerschmidt. 2005. Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept.
Gender and Society, 19: 6: 829–859.
Gerschick, T. J. 2005. Masculinity and Degrees of Bodily Normativity in Western Culture. Handbook of
Studies on Men and Masculinity. In Kimmel, Hearn and Connell (eds.). Handbook of Studies on Men
and Masculinity. California: Sage Publications, Inc., p. 367–378.
Gikandi, S. & E. Mwangi. 2007. The Columbia Guide to East African Literature in English Since 1945.
New York: Coumbia University Press.
Government of Tanganyika. 1964. Tanganyika Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social
Development 1st July, 1964/65–30th June, 1969. Dar es Salaam: Government Printer.
Kahn, J. S. 2009. An Introduction to Masculinities. UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Magnuson, E. 2007. Changing Men, Transforming Culture: Inside the Men’s Movement. London:
Paradigm Publishers.
Morrell, R. 1998. Of Boys and Men: Masculinity and Gender in Southern African Studies. Journal of
Southern African Studies, 24.4: 605–63.
Mugambi, H. N. & T.J. Allan. 2010. Introduction. Masculinities in African Literary and Cultural Texts.
UK: Ayebia Clarke Publishing Limited.
Nfah–Abbenyi, J. M. 1997. Gender in African Women’s Writing: Identity, Sexuality and Difference.
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Temu, A. J. 1969. The Rise and Triumph of Nationalism. In I. N. Kimambo and A.J. Temu
(eds.). A History of Tanzania. Nairobi: East African Publishing House. p. 189–214.
Reeser, T. W. 2010. Masculinities in Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Ltd.
Ruhumbika, G. 1969. Village in Uhuru. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd