The Influence of Christianity in Swahili Literature: The Case of Bongo Flavor Poetry Prophesies
Corresponding Author(s) : Method Samwel
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 11 1 (2022)
The influence of religion in Swahili literature has been a centre of Swahili literary
scholarship discussions from the 1960s to 1980s. During the time, there were two
schools of thought. The first argued that Swahili literature originates from God and that
He is the first artist who transmits creative skills to Swahili artists. The second school
of thought viewed Swahili literature as a product of socio-economic human activities,
and that God has no place in it. By the late 1980s, the discussion on the place of God in
Swahili literature appeared to be concluded by a good number of scholars supporting
the second school of thought. Consequently, today scholars seem to be in agreement
that God has no place in Swahili literature. This article, however, views this agreement
as a serious oversight. Since the Swahili society believes in various kinds of gods and
religions, there is no way their literature will be free from the influence of gods and
religions. Therefore, this article presents the influence of Christianity in Swahili
literature, citing examples from prophesies of bongo flavor poetry.
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Macha, H. 2020 February 2. Serikali haina taarifa kuzuiwa Marekani. Habarileo, p. 3.
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Mesomapya, J. 2017 April 11. Roma Mkatoliki Says he Was Tortured by Armed Abductors. Citizen, p. 1.
Mkonde. 2019. Viongozi wa Dini Wavutana Mbele ya Rais Magufuli. Retrieved from http: //
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Mlacha, S. & A. Hurskainen. 1995. Lugha, Utamaduni na Fasihi Simulizi ya Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam and
Helsinki: TUKI and Helsinki University.
M’Ngaruthi, T. 2008. Fasihi Simulizi na Utamaduni. Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta.
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Nkwera, F. 1978. Sarufi na Fasihi: Sekondari na Vyuo. Dar es Salaam: TPH.
NBS. 2019. Government Will Translate Report Findings into Actions, Vows Lukuvi. In Chuwa, A. (ed.)
NBS Newsletter (Issue No. 48: 1–5). Dar es Salaam. Author.
Olengurumwa, O. 2019. Tamko Kuhusu Matukio ya Kupotea/Kutoonekana na Kutekwa kwa Watu
Nchini. Dar es Salaam: THRDC.
Omari, S. 2009. Tanzanian Bongo Flavor Poetry as Popular Literature (PhD thesis). Dar es Salaam:
University of Dar es Salaam.
Omary, P. 2015. Kikwete ‘Abariki’ Mbio za Urais wa Lowassa. Mwanahalisi Online. Retrieved from
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Orrenius, M. & Z. Madeline. 2013. Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market Federal Dallas: Reserve Bank
of Dallas Research Department.
Pickover, C. 2001. Dreaming the Future: The Fantastic Story of Prediction. Prometheus Books.
Tanzania Daima (2012 August 24. Dkt. Ulimboka Anaujua Ukweli. Tanzania Daima, p. 5.
Tambwe, O. 2018a. Roma - Sugu na Billnass Naweza / Sio Wema/ Stamina–Siwezi kumjibu Edu Boy.
Retrieved from https: //
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Retrieved from downloaded from https: //
The Holy Bible. 1999. King James Version. New York: American Bible Society.
Thompson, J. 2008. Prophecy Today: A Further Word from God? Does God-Given Prophecy Continue in
Today's Church, or Doesn't It? Evangelical Press.
United Nations. 2013. Migration and Human Rights: Improving Human Rights-Based Governance of
International Migration, Geneva: UN Human Rights.
WHO. 2020. WHO Africa to Tanzanian President: COVID-19 Kits Valid. Retrieved from https: //www.–kits-valid
Zagzebski, L. T. 2004. Divine Motivation Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press