Hip-hop Poetry and Political Transformation: Citing Examples from Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : method samwel
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021)
This article describes the role of hip-hop in political transformation of African countries,
citing examples from Tanzania. The article presents that hip-hop artists view the political
systems of most African countries as the source of the continent’s socio-economic crisis and,
therefore, demand for change of African political systems and behaviours. This article is a
result of a qualitative research that deployed various research methods, including text
collection and analysis, transcription, interviews, and administration of questionnaires. Hiphop texts were collected, transcribed, and analysed. Data collection, analysis and
interpretation were guided by the reader response literary theory, which views the
interpretation of literary genres—hip-hop poetry being one of them—as being determined
by the reader/audience. Generally, our research revealed that many hip-hop artists in
Tanzania call for political transformation. They call upon people to participate in elections,
elect responsible leaders, and put an end to political corruption and favouritism. Other calls
include political repentance, access to the constitution, and the separation between politics
and business. Also, the article describes how hip-hop artists call for women’s participation
in politics, formulation of new a constitution that will enable free and fair elections, and
youth involvement in politics. The article places politics at the centre of initiatives to enhance
socio-political and economic development of Tanzania and other African countries.
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the Tenth Conference on the Political Environment in Tanzania, 17th–18th September, Dar es Salaam.
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Music and Society, 171–189.
Flinders, D.J. 1992. In Search of Ethical Guidance: Constructing a Basis for Dialogue. Qualitative
Studies in Education, 5(2): 101–116.
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Newspaper, 17th November 2012, Tanzania.
Kossey, M. M. 2014. Constraints of Financing Higher Education in Tanzania Through Higher
Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB). Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam:
Masare, A. 2019. Why Those Behind Tegeta Escrow Scandal Could Be on the Radar Again? The
Citizen, MCL: Dar es Salaam.
Mc Crann, D. 2017. An Exploratory Study of Child Sexual Abuse in Tanzania. PhD dissertation,
Dublin Institute of Technology: Dublin.
Miles, B. & A. 1994. Huberman, An Expanded Sourcebook Qualitative Data Analysis. (2nd Ed.). London: Sage.
Mmuya, M. & A. Chaligha. 1992. Towards Multiparty Democracy Politics in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam:
Dar es Salaam University Press.
Msekwa, P. 1995. the Transition to Multiparty Democracy, Dar es Salaam: Tema Publishing Company
Ltd and Tanzania Publishing House.
Msuya, E. 2013. Kiini Cha Mgogoro Wa Gesi Mtwara. Mwananchi, MCL: Dar es Salaam.
Mulokozi, M.M. 2009. Utangulizi wa Fasihi ya Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam: KAUTTU.
Mulikuza, J. M. 2015. The Dynamics of Conflict of the Kuria Tribe Around North Mara. Masters
dissertation, Open University of Tanzania: Dar es Salaam.
Mwambungu, B.. 2018. Nyerere Hakutumia Vibaya Ikulu, Palikuwa Mahali Patakatifu. Rai Newspaper
of 3
rd August 2018 Accessed from http://www.rai.co.tz/nyerere-hakutumia-vibaya-ikulupalikuwa-mahali-patakatifu/on 23rd May 2020 at 11.03 am.
National Bureua of Statistics(NBS). 2014. Basic Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile. Dar es Salaam:
Njogu, K. & R. Chimerah. 1999. Ufundishaji Wa Fasihi: Nadharia na Mbinu. Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta
Ntarangwi, M. 2004. Uhakiki wa Kazi za Fasihi. Rock Island: Augustana College. Nyerere, J. K. 1967)
Ujamaa: Essays on Socialism, Dar es Salaam: Oxford University Press.
Omari, S. 2009. Tanzanian Hip-Hop Poetry as Popular Literature. PhD Thesis, Dar es Salaam:
University of Dar es Salaam.
Radu, M. 2015. The Impact of Political Determinants on Economic Growth in CEE Countries.
Procedia–Social and Behavioral Sciences. 197(2015): 1990–1996.
Reuster- Jahn, U. 2007. Bongo Flava and the Electoral Campaign 2005 in Tanzania. Stichproben, Weiner
Zeitschrift Fur Kristische Afrikastudien, Nr. 14/2008, 8 Jg., 41–69.
Samwel, M. 2012. Masuala ya Kisiasa Katika Nyimbo za Mapenzi za Bongo Fleva. Mulika No. 30. &
, Dar es Salaam: TATAKI.
Semali, I.A. & G. Minja. 2005. Deprivation and the Equitable Allocation of Health Care Resources to
Decentralised Districts in Tanzania Regional. EQUINET (No. 33).
Sirili, N. & G. Frumence, A. Kiwara, M. Mwangu, A. Anaeli, T. Nyamhanga, I. Goicolea & A. Hurtig.
Retention of Medical Doctors at the District Level: A Qualitative Study of Experiences
from Tanzania. BMC Health Services Research, Downloaded From, https://bmchealthservres.
biomedcentral.com/articles/ 10.1186/ s12913-018-3059-0 on 20th June 2020.
Tanzania Civil Society Consortium on Election Observation (TACCEO). 2010. Report on the United
Republic of Tanzania General Elections of 2010, Dar es Salaam: TACCEO.
Tanzania Bible Society. 1997. Biblia Takatifu, TBS: Dodoma.
Ulimwengu, J. 2010. Hizi Ahadi Za Uongo Zinachusha, Zinadhalilisha. Raia Mwema Newspaper, 152,
of 22nd September 2010, Dar es Salaam: MCL.
Wafula, R.M. & N. Kimani. 2007. Nadharia za Uhakiki wa Fasihi, Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation.