The Subversion of Patriarchy and Women’s Empowerment in Henry Ole Kulet’s Blossoms of the Savannah
Corresponding Author(s) : Eliah Mwaifuge
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 5 2 (2016)
This paper builds on the arguments presented by Muriungi and Muriiki (2013) on
gender-based violence (GBV) in African literature. Focusing on Ole Kulet‘s Blossoms of
the Savannah, Muriungi and Muriiki furnish the particulars of Nasila culture and its
effect on women in general terms. They do not explain how the novel attempts to
subvert patriarchy and empower women characters. They further demonstrate the
way Ole Kulet uses the novel to explore GBV among the Maasai in Kenya. As a result,
the novel‘s powerful and deliberate attempt to subvert patriarchy remains largely
unexplored. This study, therefore, examines how Ole Kulet‘s Blossoms of the Savannah
subverts the patriarchy system of the Nasila culture to empower the projection of the
female characters in the novel. In this regards, it is argued that the characters of
Taiyo, Resian and Minik are manifestations of the novel‘s rejection of the patriarchy
system. Consequently, the novel turns a traditional negative depiction of women into
a positive depiction of women. The paper further argues that the novel uses the
patriarchy system as a backdrop to subvert the system. In fact, the portrayal of women
in the novel is informed by feminists‘ theory of equity between men and women,
coupled with the need to foster women‘s dignity. This feminist leaning emboldens the
novel‘s rhetorical agenda of subverting patriarchy to empower women characters.
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Alahira, H. A. 2014. A Re-Consideration of African Perspectives of Women, Gender and
Development. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 2(4): 69–86.
Fonchingong, C. C. 2006. Unbending Gender Narratives in African Literature. Journal of
International Women’s Studies, 8(1): 135–147 []. Retrieved
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Forward Safeguard Rights and Dignity. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). issues/fgm/. Retrieved on 6th October, 2015.
Hooks, B. 1984. Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. New York: South End Press.
IRIN. 2013. In-depth, Razor‘s Edge – The Controversy of Female Genital Mutilation. IRIN:
Humanitarian News and Analysis.
Retrieved on 22nd July, 2015.
Kabeer, N. (2001). Resources, Agency and Achievement: Reflections on the Measurement of
Human Empowerment
th October, 2015.
Kaplan, A., B. Cham, L. A. Njie, A. Seixas, S. Blanco & M. Utzet. 2013. Female Genital
Mutilation/Cutting: The Secret World of Women as Seen by Men. Obstetrics Gynecology
International, pp. 1–11.
Kaufman, M. 1999. Men, Feminism and Men‘s Contradictory Experiences of Power. in J. A. Kuypers
(ed.). Men and Power. Halifax: Fernwood Books, pp. 59–83.
Kembo, I. P. 2016. African Indigenous Education as Practiced by the Maasai of Kenya. MA
Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
Kulet, H. R. O. 1971. Is it Possible? Nairobi: Longman, Kenya.
—. 1971. To Become a Man. Nairobi: Longman, Kenya.
—. 1985. The Hunter. Nairobi: Longman, Kenya.
—. 1987. Daughter of Maa: Nairobi: Longman, Kenya.
—. 1990. Moran No More. Nairobi: Longman Kenya.
—. 2008. Blossoms of the Savannah. Nairobi: Longman Publishers.
Longwe, S. H. 1998. Education for Women‘s Empowerment or Schooling for Women‘s Education?
Gender and Development, pp. 19–26.
Lusinga, S. M. 2016. Representation of Ecological Consciousness in Henry Kulet‘s Vanishing Herds
and The Hunter, MA thesis, Kenyata University.
Maher, R. M. 2013. Female Genital Mutilation: The Modern Day to Eradicate a Tortuous Rite of
on 11th June, 2015.
Maholta, A. 2003. Conceptualizing and Measuring Women‘s Empowerment as a Variable in
International Development. Paper presented at the Workshop on Measuring Empowerment:
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives held at Washington D. C. February 4th and 5th
Mbugua, K. 2004. Issues of Identity in Ole Kulet‘s Is it Possible? And To Become a Man. MA Project,
Kenyatta University.
Monagon, S. L. 2010. Patriarchy: Perpetrating the Practice of Female Genital Mutilation. Journal of
Alternative Perspectives in Social Sciences, 2(1): 160–181.
Muriungi, C. K. & A. K. Muriiki. 2013. An Analysis of Gender Based Violence in African Literature.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(12): 117–123.
Nkanatha, J. K. & M. N. Karuri. 2014. Female Genital Mutilation: Its Physical-Social Effect on
Individuals and Reasons for Its Persistence among Communities. Research on Humanities and Social
Sciences, 4(28): 93–96
Plan UK. 2013. Genital Female Mutilation ( i-am-a-girl/female-genitalmutilation-fgm. Retrieved on 10th May, 2015.
Torkashvand, N. & L. B. Jamili. 2014. Power and Patriarchy: Oppression of Women in James Joyce‘s
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Journal of Novel Applied Sciences, 3(4): 416–423.
World Health Organization (WHO). 2013. Female Genital Mutilation
mediacentre/ factsheets/f5241/en/ (Retrieved on 6th October, 2015)