Microeconomic Analysis of Socio-economic Determinants Of Primary School Dropouts in Tanzania: The Case of Rombo District
Corresponding Author(s) : Monica Sebastian Kauky
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2 (2014): Volume 3, Nos. 1 & 2, 2014
Based on Professor Maghimbi’s ideas about the expansion of education in the country,
this study analyses socio-economic determinants of primary school dropouts in
Tanzania. The article employs both qualitative and quantitative design using primary
data (cross-section), and the population of interest were children who had dropped
out of school, and their parents/heads of the households. A simple logistic regression
model was employed for analysis. The study uses the data gathered through semistructured interviews, in-depth interviews, questionnaires and direct observation of
phenomena. The results found that the gender of the head of the household, the
highest education attained by other members of the household, the costs incurred by a
pupil/parent in school in a year and distance from home to the nearest school have a
positive impact in determining primary school dropout; while employment status and
age of the head of the household have a negative impact on primary school dropout.
The household income and household level of education were found to have no
impact on primary school dropout.
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