The Indigenization of Tobacco Farming and Its Challenges in Iringa District: 1960s–1980s
Corresponding Author(s) : Emmanuel John Kihongo
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
This paper is about the politics of indigenizing tobacco farming and the challenges
associated with it during the post-colonial era. It examines the initiatives of
government in facilitating the process, and how the bodies entrusted to ensure its
implementation failed to achieve the intended goal. Tobacco farming in Africa and
Tanzania has a complex history. Since this crop is essentially labour- and capital-
intensive, its beginning in colonial Tanganyika, and Iringa in particular, was dominated
by settler farmers. The paper progressively narrates this history, especially on how it
became a popular crop among indigenous smallholders in Iringa from 1961. It traces
the practice during the colonial time when policies allowed only Greek settlers in
Iringa to be involved in tobacco farming, while the indigenous were prohibited from
growing it on some grounds, including the fear of competition. The article describes
the transformation: how Africans indigenized the crop, while also battling the
turbulence of prices, labour issues and changing times in colonial and post-colonial
Tanganyika. Based on archival, oral accounts, and documentary sources the paper
unravels the institutions that supported the production and marketing of tobacco in
Iringa. By engaging the question of the indigenization of tobacco in Iringa, it
interrogates the nexus between the processes of Africanizing tobacco growing within
the complex capitalist economy of pricing and national economic priorities. The paper
concludes by asserting that although the government supported and financed
indigenous smallholders in Iringa in tobacco farming, the bodies entrusted to foresee
its operation failed to fulfil the goal as anticipated by farmers.
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Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Agricultural Annual Reports File, IR/I.1: Iringa Region, 1963–1972.
- Awiti, A. 1973. Economic Differentiation in Isimani, Iringa Region. The African Review, 3(2)Boesen, J. & A. T Mohele. 1979. The “Success Story” of Peasant Tobacco Production in Tanzania:
- The political economy of a commodity producing peasantry. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of
- Africa Studies.
- Brenya, E. 2013. An Overview of a Regional Approach to Tobacco Control in Africa. Africa
- Development, 38.
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- Chancellor College.
- Coulson, A. 2013. Tanzania: A Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Eltis, D. 2000. The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Feldman, D. 1968. An Assessment of Alternative Policy Strategies in the Agricultural
- Development in Tanzania and their Application to Tobacco farming in Iringa. ERB Paper,
- (21).
- Feldman, D. 1970. Decreasing Costs in Peasant Tobacco Farming: An Application of Separable
- Programming. University of Dar es Salaam, ERB.
- Geist, H., et al. 2009. Tobacco Growers at the Crossroads: Towards a Comparison of
- Diversification and Ecosystem Impacts. Land Use Policy, 60.
- Iliffe, J. 1979. A Modern History of Tanganyika. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Koponen, J. 1994. Development for Exploitation: German Policies in Mainland Tanzania, 1884–1914.
- Helsinki: University of Helsinki Press.
- Mandondo, A., et al. 2014. Assessing Societal Benefits and Trade-Offs of Tobacco in the
- Miombo Woodlands of Malawi. Human Ecology, 42(1).
- Michiel, B. & K. Koonings. 1999. A Lavoura dos Pobres: Tobacco Farming and the Development
- of Commercial Agriculture in Bahia, 1870–1930. Journal of Latin American Studies, 31(2).
- Misana, S., et al. 1996. Miombo Woodlands in the Wider Context: Macroeconomic and
- Intersectoral Influences.In Campbell, B. (ed.).The Miombo in Transition: Woodland sand
- Welfare in Africa, Bogor: Centre for International Forestry Research.
- Mkuye, M. 1975. The failure of Settler Agriculture in the Southern Highlands: Iringa District
- Case-1920–1961. The University of Dar es Salaam.
- Morgan, W. 1973. East Africa. London: Longman.
- Navohola, E. 2010. Forced Labour and Rural Resistance in the Tobacco farms in Nampula
- Province: A History of Rural Change in Mozambique, 1961–1975. MA Thesis in History,
- University of Witwatersrand.
- Prowse, M. 2013. A History of Tobacco Production and Marketing in Malawi, 1890–2010.
- Journal of Eastern African Studies, 7(4).
- Raikes, P. 1986. Eating the Carrot and Wielding the Stick: The Agricultural Sector in Tanzania.
- In Janinik, B., (ed.).Tanzania: Crisis and Struggle for Survival. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute
- of African Studies
- Rodney, W. 1980. The Political Economy of Colonial Tanganyika from 1890–1930. In M.H.Y.
- Kaniki (ed.).Tanzania under Colonial Rule. London: Longman Group Limited.
- Routh, H., et al. 1998. Historical Aspects of Tobacco Use and Smoking.Elsevier Science Inc., 16.
- Sadik, T. 2014. Traditional Use of Tobacco among Indigenous Peoples of North America.
- UkulimawaKisasa Newspaper, June, 1963.
- Wagner, G. 2000. Tobacco in Prehistoric Eastern North America. In Winter, J. C, (ed.). Tobacco Use
- by Native North Americans:Sacred Smoke and Silent Killer, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
- Winter, J. 2000. Tobacco Use by Native North Americans: Sacred Smoke and Silent Killer. Norman:
- University of Oklahoma Press.
- Interviews
- Interview with a Greek farmer George Fliakous at Kidamali Village in September, 2019.
- Interview with Suzana Sanga at Magubike Village on 17th October, 2020.
- Interview with Meckfason Moshi, the representative of the Tanzanian Tobacco Board in the
- Southern Highlands of Tanzania at Ndiuka (SHTGA) office in Iringa Municipality on 13th
- October and 17th October, 2020.
- Interview with Msafiri Pamagila, the tobacco farmer and former secretary of the Iringa Tobacco
- Cooperative Joint Enterprise (ITCOJE) at Magubike Village on 20th October, 2020.
- Interview with Leonard Waya at Kiwere Village on 27th September, 2020.
- Interview with Stelios Kompouropoulos and Nico Roussos at Kidamali Village on 22nd October,
- Interview with Ayubu Nyavili at Kiwere Village on 17th October, 2020 and for the second time
- at his second household at Mfyome Village on 10th January, 2021.
- Interview with Francis Kilatu at Mfyome Village on 15th October and 17th October at Kiwere
- Village and; at Mfyome Village on 20th February, 2021.
- Archival Sources
- TNA: file C2/ 12: Cooperative Development: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society
- Limited, 1968–1974.
- TNA: file C2/12: Cooperative Development: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society
- Limited, 1972–1975.
- TNA: accession 573, file IM/ 1340: Iringa Farmers’ Cooperative Union (Committee Meetings),
- –1972.
- TNA: accession 573, file KG/ 1412: Kitapilimwa Farmers’ Cooperative Society, 1964–1971.
- TNA: accession 573, file KG/ 1602: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society Limited,
- (Committee Meetings), 1968–1972.
- TNA: accession 573, file KG/ 1602/II: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society Limited,
- –1971.
- TNA: accession 573, file KA/ 1337: Katiba na Barua za Kawaida za Chama cha Ushirika cha
- Tumbaku cha Image, 1964–1974.
- TNA: accession 573, file titled Kiwere Ujamaa Farmers’ Cooperative Society: Ministry of
- Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives, Annual Report for 1970.
- TNA: accession 573, file K/ 23: Southern Highland Tobacco Union, Kiwere Settlement Scheme,
- TNA: accession 124, file A30/ 19: Agricultural Annual Reports, Iringa Region, 1972–1977.
Agricultural Annual Reports File, IR/I.1: Iringa Region, 1963–1972.
Awiti, A. 1973. Economic Differentiation in Isimani, Iringa Region. The African Review, 3(2)Boesen, J. & A. T Mohele. 1979. The “Success Story” of Peasant Tobacco Production in Tanzania:
The political economy of a commodity producing peasantry. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of
Africa Studies.
Brenya, E. 2013. An Overview of a Regional Approach to Tobacco Control in Africa. Africa
Development, 38.
Chirwa, E. 2004. Access to Land, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Malawi. University of Malawi:
Chancellor College.
Coulson, A. 2013. Tanzania: A Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Eltis, D. 2000. The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Feldman, D. 1968. An Assessment of Alternative Policy Strategies in the Agricultural
Development in Tanzania and their Application to Tobacco farming in Iringa. ERB Paper,
Feldman, D. 1970. Decreasing Costs in Peasant Tobacco Farming: An Application of Separable
Programming. University of Dar es Salaam, ERB.
Geist, H., et al. 2009. Tobacco Growers at the Crossroads: Towards a Comparison of
Diversification and Ecosystem Impacts. Land Use Policy, 60.
Iliffe, J. 1979. A Modern History of Tanganyika. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Koponen, J. 1994. Development for Exploitation: German Policies in Mainland Tanzania, 1884–1914.
Helsinki: University of Helsinki Press.
Mandondo, A., et al. 2014. Assessing Societal Benefits and Trade-Offs of Tobacco in the
Miombo Woodlands of Malawi. Human Ecology, 42(1).
Michiel, B. & K. Koonings. 1999. A Lavoura dos Pobres: Tobacco Farming and the Development
of Commercial Agriculture in Bahia, 1870–1930. Journal of Latin American Studies, 31(2).
Misana, S., et al. 1996. Miombo Woodlands in the Wider Context: Macroeconomic and
Intersectoral Influences.In Campbell, B. (ed.).The Miombo in Transition: Woodland sand
Welfare in Africa, Bogor: Centre for International Forestry Research.
Mkuye, M. 1975. The failure of Settler Agriculture in the Southern Highlands: Iringa District
Case-1920–1961. The University of Dar es Salaam.
Morgan, W. 1973. East Africa. London: Longman.
Navohola, E. 2010. Forced Labour and Rural Resistance in the Tobacco farms in Nampula
Province: A History of Rural Change in Mozambique, 1961–1975. MA Thesis in History,
University of Witwatersrand.
Prowse, M. 2013. A History of Tobacco Production and Marketing in Malawi, 1890–2010.
Journal of Eastern African Studies, 7(4).
Raikes, P. 1986. Eating the Carrot and Wielding the Stick: The Agricultural Sector in Tanzania.
In Janinik, B., (ed.).Tanzania: Crisis and Struggle for Survival. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute
of African Studies
Rodney, W. 1980. The Political Economy of Colonial Tanganyika from 1890–1930. In M.H.Y.
Kaniki (ed.).Tanzania under Colonial Rule. London: Longman Group Limited.
Routh, H., et al. 1998. Historical Aspects of Tobacco Use and Smoking.Elsevier Science Inc., 16.
Sadik, T. 2014. Traditional Use of Tobacco among Indigenous Peoples of North America.
UkulimawaKisasa Newspaper, June, 1963.
Wagner, G. 2000. Tobacco in Prehistoric Eastern North America. In Winter, J. C, (ed.). Tobacco Use
by Native North Americans:Sacred Smoke and Silent Killer, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Winter, J. 2000. Tobacco Use by Native North Americans: Sacred Smoke and Silent Killer. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press.
Interview with a Greek farmer George Fliakous at Kidamali Village in September, 2019.
Interview with Suzana Sanga at Magubike Village on 17th October, 2020.
Interview with Meckfason Moshi, the representative of the Tanzanian Tobacco Board in the
Southern Highlands of Tanzania at Ndiuka (SHTGA) office in Iringa Municipality on 13th
October and 17th October, 2020.
Interview with Msafiri Pamagila, the tobacco farmer and former secretary of the Iringa Tobacco
Cooperative Joint Enterprise (ITCOJE) at Magubike Village on 20th October, 2020.
Interview with Leonard Waya at Kiwere Village on 27th September, 2020.
Interview with Stelios Kompouropoulos and Nico Roussos at Kidamali Village on 22nd October,
Interview with Ayubu Nyavili at Kiwere Village on 17th October, 2020 and for the second time
at his second household at Mfyome Village on 10th January, 2021.
Interview with Francis Kilatu at Mfyome Village on 15th October and 17th October at Kiwere
Village and; at Mfyome Village on 20th February, 2021.
Archival Sources
TNA: file C2/ 12: Cooperative Development: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society
Limited, 1968–1974.
TNA: file C2/12: Cooperative Development: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society
Limited, 1972–1975.
TNA: accession 573, file IM/ 1340: Iringa Farmers’ Cooperative Union (Committee Meetings),
TNA: accession 573, file KG/ 1412: Kitapilimwa Farmers’ Cooperative Society, 1964–1971.
TNA: accession 573, file KG/ 1602: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society Limited,
(Committee Meetings), 1968–1972.
TNA: accession 573, file KG/ 1602/II: Karume Tobacco Growers Cooperative Society Limited,
TNA: accession 573, file KA/ 1337: Katiba na Barua za Kawaida za Chama cha Ushirika cha
Tumbaku cha Image, 1964–1974.
TNA: accession 573, file titled Kiwere Ujamaa Farmers’ Cooperative Society: Ministry of
Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives, Annual Report for 1970.
TNA: accession 573, file K/ 23: Southern Highland Tobacco Union, Kiwere Settlement Scheme,
TNA: accession 124, file A30/ 19: Agricultural Annual Reports, Iringa Region, 1972–1977.