Profit Efficiency and Smallholder Sugarcane Out-Growers Under Contract Farming in Tanzania: Does Location Matter?
Corresponding Author(s) : Thobias Nsindagi
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018)
This paper estimates profit inefficiency for smallholder sugarcane out-growers in Kilombero and Turiani, Tanzania. The main objective is to identify factors that explain the variation in the efficiency of individual out-growers. The analysis utilizes cross-section data collected from 386 smallholder sugarcane out-growers. The results show that smallholder sugarcane out-growers in Kilombero are more efficient, with an average score of 70.1% than those in Turiani, with an average score of 55.4%. Moreover, the results indicate that age, education, non-agricultural assets and part-time participation in sugarcane production are the main drivers of profit efficiency. Thus, strategies for improving sugarcane profitability need to focus on output and input, market accessibility, as well as education to smallholder sugarcane farmers.
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Key, N. & D. Runsten. 1999. Contract Farming, Smallholders, and Rural Development in Latin America: The Organisation of Agro-Processing Firms and the Scale of Out-grower Production. World Development, 27(2): 381-401.
Khai, H. V. & M. Yabe. 2011.Technical Efficiency Analysis of Rice Production in Vietnam. Journal of ISSAAS, 17(1): 135-146.
Kolawole, O. 2006. Determinants of Profit Efficiency Among Small Scale Ice Farmers in Nigeria: A Profit Function Approach. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 1:116–122.
Kumbhakar, S.C. & C.A.K. Lovell. 2000. Stochastic Frontier Analysis. 2nd Edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lau, L. & P. Yo-Opoulos. 1971. A Test for Relative Efficiency and Application to Indian Agriculture. American Economic Review, 61(1): 94–100.
Long, H. V., Yabe, M. 2012. Impact of Environmental Factors on Profit Efficiency of Rice Production: A Study in Vietnam’s Red River Delta. Global Journal of Human Social Science Geography & Environmental Geoscience, 12(9): 1–9.
Matango, R. 2006. Mtibwa Out-growers’ Scheme: A Model for Smallholder Cane Production in Tanzania. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. UN, New York.
Msuya, E. & G. Ashimogo, (2005). Estimation of Technical Efficiency in Tanzania Sugarcane Production: A Case Study of Mtibwa Sugar Estate Out-growers Scheme. Online at http:// No. 3747, Posted 07. November 2007 / 03:26.
Nkonya, N. & J. Barreiro-Hurle. 2012. Analysis of Incentives and Disincentives for Sugar in the United Republic of Tanzania. Technical Notes Series, MAFAP, FAO, Rome.
Onumah, E., G. Hoerstgen_Schwark & B. Brümmer. 2009. The productivity of Hired and Family Labour and Determinants of Technical Inefficiency in Ghana’s Fish Farms. Discussion Paper Nr. 09/07, Department Für Agrarökonomie Und Rurale Entwicklung, Georg_August- Universität Göttingen.
Otieno, D.J., L. Hubbard & E. Ruto. 2012. Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Beef Cattle Production in Kenya. Selected Paper Prepared for Presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, 18–24 August 2012, Foz Do Iguacu,
Oya, C. 2012. Contract Farming in Sub Saharan Africa: A Survey of Approaches, Debates, and Issues. Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(1): 1–33.
Potentials and Limitation of Contract Farming (POLICOFA). 2012. Survey Data, Kilombero and Turiani, Morogoro Region - Tanzania.
Prowse, M. 2012. Contract Farming in Developing Countries – A Review. ADF’s Research Development.
Rahman, S. 2003. Profit Efficiency Among Bangladesh Rice Farmers. Food Policy, 28: 487- 503.
Sauer, J., K. Frohberg & H. Hockmann. 2006. Stochastic Efficiency Measurement: The Curse of Theoretical Consistency. Journal of Applied Economics, 9: 139–165.
Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT). 2012 (November). Opportunities for Investors in the Rice and Sugar Sectors. Paper Presented to the Tanzania Agribusiness Investment Showcase Event, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Sugar Board of Tanzania (SBT). 2007. Sugar Cane Supply Agreement Between Mtibwa Sugar Estate and Mtibwa Out-growers Association’ Report.
Wang J., E.J. Wailes & G.L. Cramer. 1996. A Shadow Price Frontier Measurement of Profit Efficiency in Chinese Agriculture. American Journal of Agriculture Economics. 78 (February); 146–56.
Wilson, P., D. Hadley, S. Ramsden & L. Kaltsas. 1998. Measuring and Explaining Technical Efficiency in UK Potato Production. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 48: 294–305.
World Bank. 2011. Making the Grade: Smallholder Farmers, Emerging Standards, and Development Assistance Programs in Africa. A Research Program Synthesis No. 62324–AFR.