Wetlands Utilization and Rural Livelihood Diversification: A Case of Simiyu Wetland, Magu, Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : Emiliana Mwita
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
In many developing countries wetlands play an important role in supporting the
livelihood of both urban and rural communities. In rural areas wetlands are
increasingly becoming a focal point of production and livelihood diversification
due to their richness and the diverse options they provide. This paper explores
the livelihood options provided by Simiyu wetland in Magu District, Simiyu Region,
to the community living arround it using social survey methods. This paper is
based on a study which shows that wetland farming is the main activity (75%) and
significantly contribute to cash income generation, followed by livestock keeping,
fishing and handicraft. The wetland is also important area for dry season food
security, contributes to income generation in diverse ways, and serves as
recreational area to the rural poor. While all these activities are taking place, and
indeed sustain community livelihood, it is important to monitor the trend of use to
ensure wise use and sustained benefits.
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The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, Washington.
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Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation, 79(2), 99–108. doi:10.4314/tjfnc.v79i2
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Katondo, J. M. 2012. Traditional uses of cyperus papyrus (L) and associated problems at
Simiyu fringing wetland of Lake Victoria, Mwanza region, Tanzania. Retrieved from
http://library. lvbcom.org:8080/handle/123456789/91
Lannas, K. S. M. & J. K. Turpie. 2009. Valuing the provisioning services of wetlands: Contrasting a rural
wetland in Lesotho with a peri - urban wetland in South Africa. Ecology and Society, 14 (2): 18.
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Production and Wetlands Preservation in Limpopo River Basin: A Participatory
Framework. International Water Management Institute.
Mwakaje, A. G. 2009. Wetlands, Livelihoods and Sustainability in Tanzania. African Journal
of Ecology, 47: 179–184. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2008.01067.x
Mwita, E. J. 2006. The Role of Wetlands Utilization in Poverty Alleviation and Impact on the
Environment: A Case Study of Simiyu River Magu District Tanzania. Masters dissertation,
University of Dar es Salaam.
—. 2013. Land Cover and Land Use Dynamics of Semi Arid Wetlands: A Case of Rumuruti
(Kenya) and Malinda (Tanzania). Journal Geophysics Remote Sensing S, 1: 2169–0049.
Okunlola, A. I. 2009. Factors Associated with Fadama Production of Vegetables by Small-scale Farmers
in Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7(3&4): 551–555.
Ratner, B., D. T. Ha, M. Kosal, A. Nissapa, & S. Chanphengxay. 2004. Undervalued and
Overlooked: Sustaining Rural Livelihoods Through Better Governance of Wetlands
(Working Paper). The WorldFish Center. http://ideas.repec.org/b/wfi/wfbook/16283.html
Rebelo, L.-M., M. P. McCartney, & C. M. Finlayson. 2010. Wetlands of Sub-Saharan Africa:
Distribution and Contribution of Agriculture to Livelihoods. Wetlands Ecology and
Management, 18(5): 557–572. doi:10.1007/s11273-009-9142-x.
Roggeri, H. 1995. Tropical Freshwater Wetlands: A Guide To Current Knowledge and Sustainable
Management. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Schuyt, K. 2005. Economic Consequences of Wetland Degradation for Local Populations in
Africa. Ecological Economics, 53(2): 177–190. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2004.08.003
Thenya, T. 2001. Challenges of conservation of dryland shallow waters, Ewaso Narok swamp,
Laikipia District, Kenya. Hydrobiologia, 458(1), 107–119. doi:10.1023/A:1013196500456
Turner, K., & T. Jones (eds.). 1990. Wetlands Market and Intervention Falures. London:
Earthscan Publications Limited.
Turyahabwe, N., W. Kakuru, M. Tweheyo & D. M. Tumusiime. 2013. Contribution of Wetland
Resources to Household Food Security in Uganda. Agriculture & Food Security, 2(1): 5.
UNEP. 2000. Africa Environmental Outlook – Past, Present and Future Perspectives. www.
United Republic of Tanzania (URT). 2012. Population Distribution by Age and Sex. Central
Census Office, Dar es Salaam