Managing Quality in Secondary Education Sector in Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : Consolata Louis Chua
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2 (2014): Volume 3, Nos. 1 & 2, 2014
Quality management in education is an area that has received various
conceptualizations. Although there is no agreed definition of quality, its management
depends on set standards as well as quality assurance and control mechanisms in place.
Based on the review of various literatures, this paper uses a model developed from
systems theory and CIPP model to shed light to both policy makers and implementers on
what should be taken on board to achieve the level of quality desired. The paper also
adds to the debate on what should be the priority when it comes to the issue of
management of quality in secondary school education in Tanzania.
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context of the competence-based curriculum. Papers in Education and Development, 29, 77–91.
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Mansour, A., O. Adjei & Z. Mrozek. 1997. Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Proceedings of
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Education, (CAEE’97), 2: 156 –164, AGH Krakow.
Mbiti, D.M. 2007. Foundations of school administration (Rev. edn.). Nairobi: Oxford University Press,
East Africa Ltd.
Mosha, H. J. 2000. Conceptualizing Quality of Education. In J.C.J. Galabawa, F.E.M.K. Senkoro &
A.F.L. Lwaitama. The Quality of Education in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: UDSM.
Mosha, H.J., K. Osaki & N. Katunzi. 2001. The Indicators of Quality Education. Dar es Salaam: UNICEF.
Mosha, H.J. 2004. New directions in teacher education for quality improvement in Africa. Papers in
education and development, 24, 45–68.
Mosha, H. J. 2006. Planning education systems for excellence. Dar es Salaam: E & D Limited.
Mosha, H.J. 2012. New horizons in teacher education in Tanzania. A paper presented to the
National Conference on Education in Tanzania, held at Kunduchi Beach Resort, Dar es Salaam,
March 28–30, 2012.
Neke, S.M., S.T.A. Mafu & D.B. Ndoloi. 2004. Revisiting the inescapable alliance: A review of the
school textbook, schooling and ideology. Papers in Education and Development, 24: 25–44.
Nzigilwa, E.A. 2010. The role of school leaders in influencing students’ achievement in secondary
schools. MA thesis, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Omari, I.M. & H.J. Mosha. 2010. SEDP I formative review of strength, weaknesses and emerging
challenges. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
Palestini, R. 2005. Educational administration: Leading with mind and heart (2nd ed.). Rowman and
Little Field Education.
Sedel, C. 2003. The challenge of learning: Improving the quality of basic education in Sub-Saharan
Africa. ADEA Newsletter, 115(1): 13.
Thoonen, E.E.J., J.C.S. Peter, J.O. Frans, T.D.P. Thea & P.G. Femke. 2011. How to improve teaching
practices: The role of teacher motivation, organizational factors and leadership practices.
Educational administration quartely, 47(3): 496–536. Retrived from
Tilya, F. & F. Mafumiko. 2010. The compatibility between teaching methods and competencebased curriculum in Tanzania. Papers in education and development, 29: 37–56.
United Republic of Tanzania (URT). 1995. Education and Training Policy. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of
Education and Culture.
—. 2000. The Tanzania development vision 2025. Dar es Salaam: Commission for Planning and
—. 2004. Education sector development programme: Secondary education development plan (SEDP.
–2009. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Education and Culture.
—. 2009. Basic education statistics in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Education and Vocational
Van den Berg, E. & A. Thijs. 2002. Curriculum reform and teacher professional development. In. K.
Osaki, W. Ottevanger, C. Uiso, J. Van den Akker, Science Education Research and Teacher
Development in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam, (UDSM): TEAMS PROJECT.
West - Burnham, J. 1994. Inspection, evaluation and quality assurance. In T. Bush and J. WestBurnham (eds.). The Principles of Educational Management (pp. 157– 176). Harlow: Longman.
World Bank. 1995. Development in Practice: Priorities and Strategies for Education: A World Bank
Review. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
—. 2008a. Curricula, examinations and assessment in secondary education in Sub-Sahara Africa. World
Bank Working Paper, 128. Washington, D.C., the World Bank.
—. 2008b. Governance, management, and accountability in secondary education in Sub-Sahara Africa.
World Bank Working Paper, 127. Washington, D.C., the World Bank.