Diversity and Composition of Plant Species in the Geita Gold Mining Catchment Area, Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : mariam mgendi
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 10 ##issue.no## 5 (2021)
A study on the diversity of plant species is of vital importance for the conservation of natural ecosystems that are increasingly being threatened by various anthropogenic activities. Greater diversity makes ecosystems healthier and resilient to stress, thus providing its services on which humans depend. This study aimed to assess the health of the ecosystem around the Geita Gold Mine (GGM) based on the diversity and composition of plant species. Two transects with a total of 14 sampling sites were established where the number of plant species were systematically recorded using nested quadrats. The diversity of species was determined using species richness (S), Shannon-Wiener index (H’), and species evenness (E). The variations in species richness, species diversity, and species evenness between transects were compared using a paired t-test. Cluster analysis to determine similarity index was determined using the Dice similarity (DC) coefficient. The highest index recorded for richness (S), Shannon (H’), and evenness (E) was 32, 3.4 and 0.98, respectively; while the lowest was 12, 2.3 and 0.86, respectively. The Shannon (H’) diversity index obtained (2.3–3.4) indicated the study area is moderately rich in the diversity of plant species as it falls within the range of tropical ecosystems. However, the comparison of the diversity of species for all indices between the transects was not significant (p > 0.05). In addition, cluster analysis for species composition revealed a dendogram with three groups, and two groups had similarity coefficient below 50%. This reflects a considerable higher heterogeneity of the composition of plant species, which is an indication of a moderate healthier ecosystem.
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Ecology Letters, 16: 106–115. Loreau, M., S. Naeem & P. Inchausti (Eds.). 2002. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Synthesis and Perspectives. Oxford University Press. Macdougall, A. S., K. S. Mccann, G. Gellner & R. Turkington. 2013. Diversity Loss with Persistent Human Disturbance Increases Vulnerability to Ecosystem Collapse. Nature, 494(7435): 86–89. Magurran, A. E. 1988. Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement. Chapman and Hall, London: Cambridge University Press. Mccann, K. S. 2000. The Diversity–Stability Debate. Nature, 405(6783): 228–233. Mganga, N., M. L. K. Manoko & Z. K. Rulangaranga. 2011. Classification of Plants According to Their Heavy Metal Content Around North Mara Gold Mine, Tanzania: Implication for Phytoremediation. Tanzania Journal of Science, 37(1): 109–119zMishra, B. P., O. P. Tripathi, R. S. Tripathi & H. N. Pandey. 2004. Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Plant Diversity and Community Structure of a Sacred Grove in Meghalaya, Northeast India. Biodiversity & Conservation, 13(2): 421–436. Mligo, C. 2011. Anthropogenic Disturbance on the Vegetation in Makurunge Woodland, Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science, 37(1). 94–108. Motulsky, H. 1998. Graphpad Software, Instat Guide to Choosing and Interpreting Statistical Tests, Graphpad Software. Inc. San Diego California USA. Mtui, G. Y. S., C. Mligo, M. K. D. Mutakyahwa & J. R. Ikingura. 2006. Vegetation Structure and Heavy Metal Uptake by Plants in the Mining-Impacted and Non Mining-Impacted Sites of Southern Lake Victoria Wetlands. Tanzania Journal of Science, 32: 39–49. Naeem, S., F. S. Chapin Iii, R. Costanza, P. R. Ehrlich, F. B. Golley, D.U Hooper & A. J. Symstad. 1999. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Maintaining Natural Life Support Processes. Issues in Ecology, 4(11). Navarro, M. C., C. Pérez-Sirvent, M. J. Martínez-Sánchez, J. Vidal, P. J. Tovar & J. Bech. 2008. Abandoned Mine Sites as a Source of Contamination by Heavy Metals: A Case Study in a SemiArid Zone. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 96(2–3): 183–193. Nyatwere, M., L. K. M. Mkabwa & K. R. Zachariah. 2012. Distribution Patterns of Plant Species Around North Mara Gold Mine in Tanzania. International Journal of Agriscience, 2(4): 302–312. Prus-G?owacki, W., E. Chudzi?ska, A. Wojnicka-Pó?torak, L. Kozacki & K. Fagiewicz. 2006. Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution on Genetic Variation and Cytological Disturbances in Thepinus Sylvestris L. Population. Journal of Applied Genetics, 47(2): 99–108. Quijas, S., B. Schmid & P. Balvanera. 2010. Plant Diversity Enhances Provision of Ecosystem Services: A New Synthesis. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11(7): 582–593. Rad, J. E., M. Manthey & A. Mataji. 2009. Comparison of Plant Species Diversity with Different Plant Communities in Deciduous Forests. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 6(3): 389–394. Rashid, A., J. Gul, M. Arshad, T. Mahmood & M. Khalid. 2007. Spatio-Persistence Dynamics of Plant Species on Metal Contaminated Soils Around Nullah Leh of Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 39(2): 377. Reich, P. B., J. Knops, D. Tilman, J. Craine, D. Ellsworth, M. Tjoelker & G. Hendrey. 2001. Plant Diversity Enhances Ecosystem Responses to Elevated CO 2 and Nitrogen Deposition. Nature, 410(6830): 809–810. Salminen, J., C. A. Van Gestel & J. Oksanen. 2001. Pollution?Induced Community Tolerance and Functional Redundancy in a Decomposer Food Web in Metal?Stressed Soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal. 20(10): 2287–2295. Scherer-Lorenzen, M. 2005. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Basic Principles. Biodiversity: Structure and Function. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 1: 68–88. Shannon, C. W. & W. Weaver. 1948. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urban: The University of Illinois Press . Spellerberg, I. F. & P. J. Fedor. 2003. A Tribute to Claude Shannon. 1916–2001) and a Plea for More Rigorous Use of Species Richness, Species Diversity and the ‘Shannon–Wiener’ Index. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 12(3): 177–179Stohlgren, T. J., M. B. Falkner & L. D. Schell. 1995. A Modified-Whittaker Nested Vegetation Sampling Method. Vegetatio, 117(2): 113–121. Terazaki, M. 1999. Mass Occurrence of Bathypelagic Chaetognath Eukrohnia Fowleri from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. IJMS, 28(2): 163–168. Tesha, A. 2003. Information About the Project Site in Tanzania. Removal of Barriers to Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Gold Mining and Extraction Technologies. Global Mercury Project. http: //www. globalmercuryproject. org/countries/tanzania/docs/tanzania_in fo% 20about% 20sites. pdf. Tilman, D. 2000. Causes, Consequences and Ethics of Biodiversity. Nature, 405(6783): 208– 211. Tilman, D. & J. A. Downing. 1994. Biodiversity and Stability in Grasslands. Nature, 367(6461): 363–365. Tilman, D., D. Wedin & J. Knops. 1996. Productivity and Sustainability Influenced by Biodiversity in Grassland Ecosystems. Nature, 379(6567): 718–720. Van Ruijven, J. 2005. Biodiversity Loss in Grasslands: Consequences for Ecosystem Functioning and Interactions with Above-And Belowground Organisms. Dissertation, Wageningen University.
Díaz, S., J. Fargione, F. S. Chapin III & D. Tilman. 2006. Biodiversity Loss Threatens Human WellBeing. Plos Biol, 4(8): E277. Dice, L. R. 1945. Measures of the Amount of Ecologic Association Between Species. Ecology, 26(3): 297–302. Haines-Young, R. & M. Potschin. 2010. The Links Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being. Ecosystem Ecology: A New Synthesis, 1: 110–139. Hernández, A. J. & J. Pastor. 2008. Relationship Between Plant Biodiversity and Heavy Metal Bioavailability in Grasslands Overlying an Abandoned Mine. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 30(2): 127–133. Hooper, D. U. & P. M. Vitousek. 1997. The Effects of Plant Composition and Diversity on Ecosystem Processes. Science, 277(5330): 1302–1305. Kent, M. C. & P. P. Coker. 1992. Vegetation Description and Analysis: A Practical Approach. British Library, London: 363. Loreau, M. & C. De Mazancourt. 2013. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Stability: A Synthesis of Underlying Mechanisms. Ecology Letters, 16: 106–115. Loreau, M., S. Naeem & P. Inchausti (Eds.). 2002. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Synthesis and Perspectives. Oxford University Press. Macdougall, A. S., K. S. Mccann, G. Gellner & R. Turkington. 2013. Diversity Loss with Persistent Human Disturbance Increases Vulnerability to Ecosystem Collapse. Nature, 494(7435): 86–89. Magurran, A. E. 1988. Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement. Chapman and Hall, London: Cambridge University Press. Mccann, K. S. 2000. The Diversity–Stability Debate. Nature, 405(6783): 228–233. Mganga, N., M. L. K. Manoko & Z. K. Rulangaranga. 2011. Classification of Plants According to Their Heavy Metal Content Around North Mara Gold Mine, Tanzania: Implication for Phytoremediation. Tanzania Journal of Science, 37(1): 109–119zMishra, B. P., O. P. Tripathi, R. S. Tripathi & H. N. Pandey. 2004. Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Plant Diversity and Community Structure of a Sacred Grove in Meghalaya, Northeast India. Biodiversity & Conservation, 13(2): 421–436. Mligo, C. 2011. Anthropogenic Disturbance on the Vegetation in Makurunge Woodland, Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science, 37(1). 94–108. Motulsky, H. 1998. Graphpad Software, Instat Guide to Choosing and Interpreting Statistical Tests, Graphpad Software. Inc. San Diego California USA. Mtui, G. Y. S., C. Mligo, M. K. D. Mutakyahwa & J. R. Ikingura. 2006. Vegetation Structure and Heavy Metal Uptake by Plants in the Mining-Impacted and Non Mining-Impacted Sites of Southern Lake Victoria Wetlands. Tanzania Journal of Science, 32: 39–49. Naeem, S., F. S. Chapin Iii, R. Costanza, P. R. Ehrlich, F. B. Golley, D.U Hooper & A. J. Symstad. 1999. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Maintaining Natural Life Support Processes. Issues in Ecology, 4(11). Navarro, M. C., C. Pérez-Sirvent, M. J. Martínez-Sánchez, J. Vidal, P. J. Tovar & J. Bech. 2008. Abandoned Mine Sites as a Source of Contamination by Heavy Metals: A Case Study in a SemiArid Zone. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 96(2–3): 183–193. Nyatwere, M., L. K. M. Mkabwa & K. R. Zachariah. 2012. Distribution Patterns of Plant Species Around North Mara Gold Mine in Tanzania. International Journal of Agriscience, 2(4): 302–312. Prus-G?owacki, W., E. Chudzi?ska, A. Wojnicka-Pó?torak, L. Kozacki & K. Fagiewicz. 2006. Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution on Genetic Variation and Cytological Disturbances in Thepinus Sylvestris L. Population. Journal of Applied Genetics, 47(2): 99–108. Quijas, S., B. Schmid & P. Balvanera. 2010. Plant Diversity Enhances Provision of Ecosystem Services: A New Synthesis. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11(7): 582–593. Rad, J. E., M. Manthey & A. Mataji. 2009. Comparison of Plant Species Diversity with Different Plant Communities in Deciduous Forests. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 6(3): 389–394. Rashid, A., J. Gul, M. Arshad, T. Mahmood & M. Khalid. 2007. Spatio-Persistence Dynamics of Plant Species on Metal Contaminated Soils Around Nullah Leh of Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 39(2): 377. Reich, P. B., J. Knops, D. Tilman, J. Craine, D. Ellsworth, M. Tjoelker & G. Hendrey. 2001. Plant Diversity Enhances Ecosystem Responses to Elevated CO 2 and Nitrogen Deposition. Nature, 410(6830): 809–810. Salminen, J., C. A. Van Gestel & J. Oksanen. 2001. Pollution?Induced Community Tolerance and Functional Redundancy in a Decomposer Food Web in Metal?Stressed Soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal. 20(10): 2287–2295. Scherer-Lorenzen, M. 2005. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Basic Principles. Biodiversity: Structure and Function. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 1: 68–88. Shannon, C. W. & W. Weaver. 1948. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urban: The University of Illinois Press . Spellerberg, I. F. & P. J. Fedor. 2003. A Tribute to Claude Shannon. 1916–2001) and a Plea for More Rigorous Use of Species Richness, Species Diversity and the ‘Shannon–Wiener’ Index. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 12(3): 177–179Stohlgren, T. J., M. B. Falkner & L. D. Schell. 1995. A Modified-Whittaker Nested Vegetation Sampling Method. Vegetatio, 117(2): 113–121. Terazaki, M. 1999. Mass Occurrence of Bathypelagic Chaetognath Eukrohnia Fowleri from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. IJMS, 28(2): 163–168. Tesha, A. 2003. Information About the Project Site in Tanzania. Removal of Barriers to Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Gold Mining and Extraction Technologies. Global Mercury Project. http: //www. globalmercuryproject. org/countries/tanzania/docs/tanzania_in fo% 20about% 20sites. pdf. Tilman, D. 2000. Causes, Consequences and Ethics of Biodiversity. Nature, 405(6783): 208– 211. Tilman, D. & J. A. Downing. 1994. Biodiversity and Stability in Grasslands. Nature, 367(6461): 363–365. Tilman, D., D. Wedin & J. Knops. 1996. Productivity and Sustainability Influenced by Biodiversity in Grassland Ecosystems. Nature, 379(6567): 718–720. Van Ruijven, J. 2005. Biodiversity Loss in Grasslands: Consequences for Ecosystem Functioning and Interactions with Above-And Belowground Organisms. Dissertation, Wageningen University.