Floristic Composition, Diversity and Structure of the Kimboza Forest in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : David S.
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Kimboza forest reserve in Morogoro region, is an important biodiversity hotspot among the
Eastern Arc forests of Tanzania. High population pressure and encroachment threatens its
conservation values. This is based on a study which aimed at investigating the composition,
diversity, and structure of the tree community in the forest. All trees with DBH ? 10cm were
inventoried from 0.72ha in a total of 18 plots of 20m × 20m placed randomly from the forest
edge to the interior. Most important families and species were determined using familial
importance value (FIV) and species importance value (IVI) indices, respectively. Diversity
was analyzed using species richness, Shannon-Wiener, Fisher-?, and Simpson’s indices.
A total of 52 species belonging to 22 families were identified. The family Fabaceae had the
highest FIV (66.70) and species richness (15 species) while Khaya anthotheca had the
highest IVI value (48.11). The Shannon-Wiener (3.40), Simpson (20.60), and the Fisher-?
(18.80) indices were very high signifying high floristic diversity within the forest. 69% of the
species were rare, occurring in less than 20% of the surveyed plots. The mean density and
basal area of trees were 390 stems ha- 1
and 24 m2
, respectively. The species
accumulation curve revealed an escalating trend suggesting that more sample plots could
result to a number of species in the forest. In summary, the study suggests for proper
management, protection, and wise utilization of the forest resources so that it sustains its
original biodiversity and ecological processes for future generations.
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Addo–Fordjour, P., S. Obeng., A.K. Anning., & M.G. Addo. 2009. Floristic composition, structure and
natural regeneration in a moist-semi-deciduous forest following anthropogenic disturbances and
plant invasion. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 1 (2): 021–037.
Ahrends, A. 2005. Patterns of degradation in lowland coastal forests in coastal region Tanzania.
MSc. Thesis, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany. pp 150.
Bhatia, Z., & O. Ringia. 1996. Socio-economic survey of selected villages in the Uluguru
Mountains, Tanzania. Uluguru slopes planning project report No. 3. Royal society for
protection of birds, Sandy. In: L.L.L. Lulandala, 1998. Meeting the needs of the people
though species domestication: A basis for effective conservation of the Eastern Arc
Mountain forest biodiversity. Journal of East African Natural History 87 (1): 243–252.
Burgess N.D., & C. Muir. 1994. Coastal forests of Eastern Africa: Biodiversity and Conservation.
Society for Environmental Exploration/Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, United Kingdom.
pp 112.
Burgess, N., N. Dorggart., & J.C. Lovett. 2002. The Uluguru mountains of eastern Tanzania: the
effects of forest loss on biodiversity. Oryx, 36 (2): 140–152.
Burgess, N.D., & G.P. Clarke. 2000. The coastal forests of Eastern Africa. IUCN:
Cambridge and Gland. pp 443.
Colwell, R.K. 2009. Estimate S: Statistical estimation of species richness and shared species
from samples. Version 8.2. Software application. Published at: EstimateS.
Comita, S.L., R. Condit., & S. Hubbell. 2007. Developmental changes in habitat associations
of tropical trees. Journal of Ecology, 95 (3): 482–492.
Curtis, J.T., & R.P. McIntosh. 1950. The interrelations of certain analytic and synthetic of
phytosociological characters. Ecology, 31 (3): 434–455.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO). 2010. Global forest resources
assessment 2010. Main report. FAO paper 163. Rome, Italy. pp 56.
Gentry, A. 1988. Changes in plant community diversity and floristic composition on environmental and
geographical gradients. Annals of Missouri Botanical Garden, 75 (1): 1–34.
Hubbell, S.P., J.A. Ahumada, R. Condit., & R.B. Foster. 2001. Local neighbourhood effects on long-term
survival of Individual trees in a neotropical forest. Ecological Research, 16 (5): 859–875.
Kacholi, D. S. 2013. Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity of Uluguru Mountain
forests in Morogoro region, Tanzania. PhD Thesis submitted at Georg–August University
Goettingen, Cuvillier Verlag Goettingen, Germany. pp 150.
Madoffe, S., G.D. Hertel., R. Paul., B.O. Connell., & R. Killenga. 2006. Monitoring health of
selected Eastern Arc forests in Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 44 (2): 171–177.
Magurran, A.E., & P.A. Henderson., 2003. Explaining the excess of rare species in natural
species abundance distributions. Nature, 422 (6933): 714–716.
Magurran, A.N. 2004. Measuring biological diverisy. Blackwell Science Ltd. A Blackwell
Publishing Company. Melden, USA. pp 264.
Malimbwi, R.E., D.T.K. Shemweta., E. Zahabu., S.P. Kingazi., J.Z. Katani., & D.A. Silayo. 2005. Forest
Inventory for Mvomero District, Morogoro-Tanzania. FORCONSULT. Unpublished Report. pp 126.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT), 2004. Management plan for Kimboza
catchment forest reserve, Morogoro district, Morogoro region. Morogoro catchment
forestry project. pp 55.
Modest, R. B., S.L.S.Maganga., S.N. Hassan., S. B. Mariki., & M. Muganda. 2010. Population structure
and extraction of three commercial trees in Nguru ya Ndege forest reserve, Morogoro–Tanzania.
Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 3 (3): 41–48.
Mori, S.A., B.M. Boom., A.M. Carvalho., & T.S. Dos Santos. 1983. Ecological importance of
Myrtaceae in an Eastern Brazilian West Forest. Biotropica, 15 (1): 68–70.
Mrema, J.P. 2006. Conservation of Brachylaena huillensis O. Hoffm (Asteraceae) in Dindili
Forest Reserve Morogoro. MSc Thesis, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. pp 86.
Mwavu, E.N. 2007. Human impact, plant communities, diversity and regeneration in
Budongo forest reserve, North-Western Uganda. PhD Thesis, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. pp 197.
Mwavu, E.N., & E.T.F. Witkowski. 2009. Population structure and regeneration of multipleuse tree species in a semi-deciduous African tropical rainforest. Implications for primate
conservation. Forest Ecology and Management, 258 (5): 840–849.
Oyun, M.B., S.O. Bada., & G.M. Anjah. 2009. Comparative analysis of the flora composition at the edge and
interior of Agulii forest reserve, Cameroon. Journal of Biological. Sciences, 9 (5): 431–437.
Rwamugira, S.P. 2008. Impact of mining on forest ecosystem and adjacent communities of
Eastern Arc Mountains. A case study of Ruvu catchment forest reserve. M.Sc.
dissertation submitted at Sokoine University of Agriculture. pp 134.
Schwarz, P.A., T.J. Fahey., & C.E. McCulloch. 2003. Factors controlling spatial variation of
tree species abundance in a forested landscape. Ecology, 84 (7): 1862–1878.
Seaby, R.M., & P.A. Henderson. 2006. Species diversity and richness version 4. Pisces
Conservation Ltd., Lymington, England. pp 123.
Temu, R.P.C., & S.M. Andrew. 2008. Endemism of Plants in the Uluguru Mountains,
Morogoro, Tanzania. Forest Ecology and Management, 255 (7): 2858–2869.
The Guardian News paper of April 20, 2012. Three tree species on verge of extinction expert.
Accessed through
Tuomisto, H., K. Ruokolainen., & M. Yli-Halla. 2003. Dispersal, environment and floristic
variation of Western Amazonian forests. Science, 299 (5604): 241–244.
United Republic of Tanzania (URT). 2013. 2012 Population and housing census. Population distribution by
administrative areas. Published report by National Bureau of statistics of Tanzania. pp 244.
Whitmore, T.C. 1989. Southeast Asia tropical forests. pp 195–218. In: H. Lieth and M.J.H
Werger (eds) Ecosystems of the World. Tropical rainforests ecosystems. Elsevier:
Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo.
Wilfred, P., S.S. Madoffe., & E.J. Luoga. 2006. Indigenous plant uses and use values in Uluguru
Mountains, Morogoro–Tanzania. Journal of East African Natural History, 95 (2): 235–240.
Wittmann, F., J. Schöngart., J.C. Montero., T. Motzer., W.J. Junk., M.T.F. Pieadade, H.L. Queiroz.,
& M. Worbes. 2006. Tree species composition and diversity gradients in the white-water
forests across the Amazon Basin. Journal of Biogeography, 33 (8) 1334–1347.
Zegeye, H., D. Teketay., & E. Kelbessa. 2006. Diversity, Regeneration Status and Socioeconomic importance of vegetation in the islands of Lake Ziway, South-Central Ethiopia.
Flora, 201 (6): 483– 498