A Bivariate Probit Model for Testing Joint Effect of Affordability and Desirability to Connect Electricity in Mtwara and Pwani, Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : Amina Suleiman Msengwa
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): SPECIAL ISSUE OF SCIENCE, 2020
The objective of this study is to determine perceptions of joint effect of
affordability and desirability to connect electricity in a household to propose an
appropriate advocacy strategy for the regions of Mtwara and Pwani in Tanzania.
Bivariate probit model is used to analyse data involving 162 households.
Constructed Likert Scales of delightful and wary perceptions on oil- and gas-based
on three questions with Likert response formats are used as part of the
explanatory set of variables in the model. Marginal mean effects of the bivariate
probit model indicate that wary perceptions on the use of gas are statistically
significant at the 5% level for joint affordability to connect and the desirability to
connect electricity in own household. Since perceptions are usually rooted in the
culture of a relevant community and can be nurtured through education and
general information gathering, it is recommended that appropriate advocacy
programmes be mounted in Pwani and Mtwara regions.
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