Challenges and Prospects for the Rock Art of Mumba Rock-shelter
Corresponding Author(s) : Pastory M. Bushozi
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022)
The Mumba rock-shelter and its surrounding landscape are places where evidences for
the evolution of human cognitive behaviour and other cultural practices have been
uncovered. Deep and stratified archaeological deposits recorded at Mumba have shown
unique distinctive technological and behavioural traits with possible connections
between Middle Stone Age (MSA), Later Stone Age (LSA), Neolithic, and Iron Age
cultures. Archaeological records were found associated with symbolic-revealing objects
such as ochre pigments, beads, and stone rubber stained with red ochre, which express
the cognitive ability of ancestors who inhabited Mumba rock-shelter and the
surrounding landscape from the MSA to the present. Ochre pigments are believed to be
one of the ingredients for painted figures executed globally on Precambrian and gneiss
rock-walls. Despite being a significant part of human intellectual achievements, the rock
art images depicted at Mumba have been severely affected by physical weathering and
anthropogenic actions. This paper explores the extent to which the rock art of Mumba
reference cultural processes, conservation challenges, and prospects for future uses.
The presented data were collected through in-depth documentation using modern
analytical techniques such as ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop C5 softwares to trace the
paintings. Two traditional systems of hunter-forager and Bantu speaking paintings were
identified at Mumba. However, the conservation status of the rock art of Mumba is not
ideal, which necessitates collective management approaches.
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- Anati, E. 2004. Introducing the World Archives of Rock Art (WARA): 50,000 Years of Visual Arts: New
- Discoveries, New Interpretations, New Research Methods. XXI Valcamonica symposium. Capo di
- Ponte, Edizioni del Centro. 2004: 51–69.
- Braüer. G. & M. Mehlman. 1988. Hominid Molar from a Middle Stone Age level at Mumba Rock
- Shelter, Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 75: 69–76.
- Bushozi P. G. M. 2011: Lithic Technology and Hunting Behavior During the Middle Stone Age in Tanzania.
- PhD Dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- —. 2014. Towards Sustainable Cultural Heritage Management in Tanzania: A Case Study of Kalenga and
- Mlambalasi sites in Iringa, Southern Tanzania. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 69 (200): 136–141.
- —. 2015. An Assessment of Strategies for Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism Development
- in the Eyasi Basin, Northern Tanzania. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 4, 661–676.
- —. 2017. Conservation and Sustainable Development of Paleoanthropological Sites: A Case Study
- of Isimila in Iringa, Southern Tanzania. Proceedings Institute of Heritage Studies (UNESCO): 1–20.
- —. 2019. The Multi-institutional Corporation’s engagement of Local Communities in Conservation
- Management: The Case of Olduvai Gorge, Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania. South
- African Archaeological Bulletin 74: 104–111
- —. 2020. Middle and Later Stone Age Symbolism Stone Beads from Mumba Rock-Shelter in
- Northern Tanzania. UTAFITI, 15(1): 1–27.
- Bushozi, P.G.M., L. Luque, A. Z. Mabulla. 2017. Stratigraphic Integrity and Technological
- Development: The Little and Metric Evidence Form Middle Stone Age (MSA) Points at Mumba
- Rock-Shelter, Northern Tanzania. Paleoecology Africa, 34: 185–206.
- Bushozi, P.G.M., A. Skinner & L. Luque. 2020. The Middle Stone Age (MSA) Technological Patterns,
- Innovations, and Behavioural Changes at Bed VIA of Mumba Rockshelter, Northern Tanzania.
- African Archaeological Review. Https: //Doi.Org/10.1007/S10437–019–09360
- Bwasiri, E.J. 2011.The Challenge of Managing Intangible Heritage: Problems in Tanzania Legislation
- and Administration. South African Archaeological Bulletin 66(194): 129–135
- Chami, F. A. 2008. The Great Lakes: A Complexity of Cultural Wellsprings. In M. Arnold (Ed). Art in
- Eastern Africa. Dar es Salaam: Nyuki and Nyota Publishers.
- Chaplin. 1967. The Prehistoric Rock Art of the Lake Victoria region. Report.
- Collinson, J. D. H. 1970. The Makolo Rock Paintings of Nyamwzi. Azania, V: 55–64.
- Clottes, J. 2006. Rock Art Today. The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, 21(3): 5–9.
- Conard, C. 2012. World Heritage and Middle Stone Age: Examples from East and South Africa. In N.
- Sauz (Ed). Human Origin Sites and World Heritage Sites, pp. 18–30. Paris: UNESCO.
- Coulson, D. & A. Campbell. 2001. African Rock Art: Painting and Engravings on Stone. New York. Harry
- N Abrams Inc.
- Dean, J. C. 2006. Preserving Worldwide Heritage: A Discussion About Rock Art Conservation. The
- Gate Conservation Newsletter, 12–16.
- Decc. 2007. A guide to the preservation of Aboriginal Rock Art. Department of Environment and Climate
- Change. Canberra.
- Decon, J. 2006. Rock Art Conservation and Tourism. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory https:
- //–006–9024y
- d’Errico, F., R. G. Moreno, and R. F. Rifkin. 2012. Technological, Elemental and Colorimetric Analysis
- of an Engraved Ochre Fragment from the Middle Stone Age Levels of Klasies River Cave 1, South
- Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 942–952.
- Diez-Martín, F., M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, P. Sánchez, A. Z. Mabulla, A. Tarriño & R. Barba. 2009. The
- Middle to Later Stone Age Technological Transition in East Africa: New Data from Mumba RockShelter Bed V (Tanzania) and Their Implications for the Origin Modern Human Behavior. Journal
- of African Archaeology, 7(2): 147–173.
- Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., Mabulla, A., Diez-Martin, F., Luque, L., Tarrino, A., Lopez-Sanz, J. A., Barba,
- R. & P. M. Bushozi. 2007. The Archaeology of the Middle Pleistocene Deposits of Lake Eyasi,
- Tanzania. Journal of African Archaeology 5(1): 47–78.
- Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., A. Mabulla, L. Luque, J. W. Thompson, J, Rinks, P. Bushozi, F. Díez-Martin
- & L. Alcala. 2008. A New Archaic Homo Sapiens Fossil from Lake Eyasi, Tanzania. Journal of Human
- Evolution 54: 899–903.
- Ebinger, C., Y. Poudjom, E.A. Mbede & J.B. Dawson. 1997. Rifting Archaean Lithosphere: The EyasiManyara-Natron Rifts. Journal of the Geological Society. 154: 947–960.
- Fosbrooke, J. 1950. Some Kondoa Paintings More Fully Described. Tanzania Notes and Records 29: 39–45.
- Henshilwood, C.S. 2005. Stratigraphic Integrity of the Middle Stone Age Levels at Blombos Cave. In
- D’Errico F., and L. Backwell (Eds)., from Tools to Symbols, pp: 441–458. Johannesburg:
- Witwatersrand University Press.
- Gliganic, L. A., Z. R. Jacobs, G. Roberts, M. Dominguez-Rodrigo & A. Z. P. Mabulla. 2012, Journal of
- Human Evolution, 62: 533–547.
- Henshilwood, C. S. 2007. Fully Symbolic Sapiens Behavior: Innovations in the Middle Stone Age at
- Blombos Cave, South Africa. In P. Mellars, K. Boyle, O. Bar-Yosef, and C. Stringer. (Eds).,
- Rethinking the Human Revolution, pp: 123–132. Cambridge: MacDonald Institute for
- archaeological researchItambu, M.P. 2013. The Rock Art of the Iringa Region, Southern Tanzania. A Descriptive and Comparative
- study: MA dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.
- Itambu, M.P. & P.M. Bushozi. 2015. The Rock Art of Iringa Region: Another Avenue for Rock Art
- Studies in Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Journal of African Archaeology Network,12: 182–200.
- Kohl-Larsen. 1943. Auf den Spuren des Vormenschen. Stuttgart: Strecker und Schröder
- Leakey, M. 1983. African’s Vanishing Art. London. Harish Hamilton.
- Lambert, D. J. 1994. Conserving Australian Rock Art, a Manual for Site Managers. Aboriginal Studies Press.
- Lauta, T. C. 2009. Evaluating the Rate of Rock Art Deteriorating in the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park.
- KwaZulu-Natal. MA. Dissertation. University of Pretoria, Pretoria.
- Lim, I. 1992. A Site Oriented Approach to Rock Art. A Study from Usandawe Central Tanzania. PhD
- thesis, Department of Anthropology. Brown University.
- Mabulla, A. Z, P. 2005. The Rock Art of the Mara Region, Tanzania. Azania, 24: 15–33.
- Mabulla, A. Z. P & A. O. Gidna. 2014. The Dawn of Human Imagination: The Rock Art of NorthCentral, Tanzania. Museo Arqueologico Regional, Alcale de Henares, II: 99–119.
- Mabulla, I. M. 2014. Making Sense of a Fragmentary Past: The Rock Art of Simiyu Region, Lake Victoria
- Basin, Tanzania. MA. dissertation. Universidade de Train os Montese e Alto. Dauro.
- Manega, P. C. 1993. Geochronology, Geochemistry and Isotopic Study of the Plio-Pleistocene Hominid Sites
- and the Ngorongoro Volcanic Highlands in Northern Tanzania. PhD dissertation, University of
- Colorado, Boulder.
- Namono, C. 2010. Surrogate Surface: A Contextual Interpretive Approach to the Rock Art of Uganda. PhD
- Thesis. The University of Witwatersrand.
- Masao, F.T. 1979. The Later Stone Age and the Rock Paintings of Central Tanzania. PhD thesis, Simon
- Fraser University
- —. 1982. The Rock Art of Kondoa and Singida: A Comparative Description. National Museum of
- Tanzania Occasional Paper no.5
- —. 2007. The Rock Art of Singida and Lake Eyasi Basin in Tanzania, London: Duggan Foundation.
- Mehlman, M.J. 1989. Later Quaternary Archaeological Sequences in Northern Tanzania. PhD thesis, the
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Mercader, J., S. Clarke & M. Itambu. 2021. Phytolith Palaeontiviroments at Mumba Rock Shelter.
- Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9: 1–19. doi: 103389/tevo2021.699609
- MNRT. 2012. Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation and Managing Laetoli and
- Olduvai Gorge. Dar es Salaam: MNRT Press.
- —. 2013. Tourism Status in the NCA: Tourism Development and Statistics, Dar es Salaam: MNRT Press.
- Mwitondi, M.S., A. S. Mjandwa, L. Felician & P. M. Bushozi. 2021. Community Engagement in the
- Management and Conservation Strategies for Archaeological Sites: A Case of Study of Mumba
- Rock Shelter in Northern Tanzania. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 76(215): 125–134.
- Oldner, K. 1971. An Archaeological Survey of Iramba, Tanzania. Azania, 6: 98–156
- Prendergast, M. E., L. Luque, M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, F. Diez-Martín, A. Z. P. Mabulla & R. Barba.
- The Recent Excavations at Mumba Rockshelter, Tanzania. Journal of African Archaeology,
- (2): 217–243.
- Posnansky, M & C. M. Nelson. 1968. Rock Paintings and Excavation at Nyero, Uganda. Azania, III:
- –166.
- Smith, B. 2017. Rock Art Management and Conservation. In A. L. Smith, E. Cornelissen, O. P.
- Gosselain & S. MacEachern (eds.), Field Manual for African Archaeology: pp 146–147. Royal
- Museum for Central Africa, https:
- Soper, R & B. Golden. 1969. An Archaeological Survey of Mwanza Region, Tanzania, 4: 15–79.
- TARA. 2006. Dolwa Island Jewel of Lake Victoria.
- Tryon, C. A., J. E. Lewis, K. L. Ranhorn, A. Kwekason & B. Alex. 2018. Middle and Later Stone Age
- Chronology of the Kisele II rockshelter (UNESCO World Heritage Kondoa Rock Art Sites). PLoS
- One: 13(2). https: //
- URT. 1964. The Antiquities Act. Government Printer, Dar es Salaam.
- Willoughby, P. R. 2012. The Middle and Later Stone Age in the Iringa Region of Southern Tanzania.
- Quaternary International, 270: 103–118.
- Watson, J. A. & J. M. Flood. 1987. Tarmac and Wasp Damage to Australian Rock Art. Rock Art
- Research, 4: 17–28
Anati, E. 2004. Introducing the World Archives of Rock Art (WARA): 50,000 Years of Visual Arts: New
Discoveries, New Interpretations, New Research Methods. XXI Valcamonica symposium. Capo di
Ponte, Edizioni del Centro. 2004: 51–69.
Braüer. G. & M. Mehlman. 1988. Hominid Molar from a Middle Stone Age level at Mumba Rock
Shelter, Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 75: 69–76.
Bushozi P. G. M. 2011: Lithic Technology and Hunting Behavior During the Middle Stone Age in Tanzania.
PhD Dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
—. 2014. Towards Sustainable Cultural Heritage Management in Tanzania: A Case Study of Kalenga and
Mlambalasi sites in Iringa, Southern Tanzania. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 69 (200): 136–141.
—. 2015. An Assessment of Strategies for Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism Development
in the Eyasi Basin, Northern Tanzania. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 4, 661–676.
—. 2017. Conservation and Sustainable Development of Paleoanthropological Sites: A Case Study
of Isimila in Iringa, Southern Tanzania. Proceedings Institute of Heritage Studies (UNESCO): 1–20.
—. 2019. The Multi-institutional Corporation’s engagement of Local Communities in Conservation
Management: The Case of Olduvai Gorge, Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania. South
African Archaeological Bulletin 74: 104–111
—. 2020. Middle and Later Stone Age Symbolism Stone Beads from Mumba Rock-Shelter in
Northern Tanzania. UTAFITI, 15(1): 1–27.
Bushozi, P.G.M., L. Luque, A. Z. Mabulla. 2017. Stratigraphic Integrity and Technological
Development: The Little and Metric Evidence Form Middle Stone Age (MSA) Points at Mumba
Rock-Shelter, Northern Tanzania. Paleoecology Africa, 34: 185–206.
Bushozi, P.G.M., A. Skinner & L. Luque. 2020. The Middle Stone Age (MSA) Technological Patterns,
Innovations, and Behavioural Changes at Bed VIA of Mumba Rockshelter, Northern Tanzania.
African Archaeological Review. Https: //Doi.Org/10.1007/S10437–019–09360
Bwasiri, E.J. 2011.The Challenge of Managing Intangible Heritage: Problems in Tanzania Legislation
and Administration. South African Archaeological Bulletin 66(194): 129–135
Chami, F. A. 2008. The Great Lakes: A Complexity of Cultural Wellsprings. In M. Arnold (Ed). Art in
Eastern Africa. Dar es Salaam: Nyuki and Nyota Publishers.
Chaplin. 1967. The Prehistoric Rock Art of the Lake Victoria region. Report.
Collinson, J. D. H. 1970. The Makolo Rock Paintings of Nyamwzi. Azania, V: 55–64.
Clottes, J. 2006. Rock Art Today. The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, 21(3): 5–9.
Conard, C. 2012. World Heritage and Middle Stone Age: Examples from East and South Africa. In N.
Sauz (Ed). Human Origin Sites and World Heritage Sites, pp. 18–30. Paris: UNESCO.
Coulson, D. & A. Campbell. 2001. African Rock Art: Painting and Engravings on Stone. New York. Harry
N Abrams Inc.
Dean, J. C. 2006. Preserving Worldwide Heritage: A Discussion About Rock Art Conservation. The
Gate Conservation Newsletter, 12–16.
Decc. 2007. A guide to the preservation of Aboriginal Rock Art. Department of Environment and Climate
Change. Canberra.
Decon, J. 2006. Rock Art Conservation and Tourism. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory https:
d’Errico, F., R. G. Moreno, and R. F. Rifkin. 2012. Technological, Elemental and Colorimetric Analysis
of an Engraved Ochre Fragment from the Middle Stone Age Levels of Klasies River Cave 1, South
Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 942–952.
Diez-Martín, F., M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, P. Sánchez, A. Z. Mabulla, A. Tarriño & R. Barba. 2009. The
Middle to Later Stone Age Technological Transition in East Africa: New Data from Mumba RockShelter Bed V (Tanzania) and Their Implications for the Origin Modern Human Behavior. Journal
of African Archaeology, 7(2): 147–173.
Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., Mabulla, A., Diez-Martin, F., Luque, L., Tarrino, A., Lopez-Sanz, J. A., Barba,
R. & P. M. Bushozi. 2007. The Archaeology of the Middle Pleistocene Deposits of Lake Eyasi,
Tanzania. Journal of African Archaeology 5(1): 47–78.
Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., A. Mabulla, L. Luque, J. W. Thompson, J, Rinks, P. Bushozi, F. Díez-Martin
& L. Alcala. 2008. A New Archaic Homo Sapiens Fossil from Lake Eyasi, Tanzania. Journal of Human
Evolution 54: 899–903.
Ebinger, C., Y. Poudjom, E.A. Mbede & J.B. Dawson. 1997. Rifting Archaean Lithosphere: The EyasiManyara-Natron Rifts. Journal of the Geological Society. 154: 947–960.
Fosbrooke, J. 1950. Some Kondoa Paintings More Fully Described. Tanzania Notes and Records 29: 39–45.
Henshilwood, C.S. 2005. Stratigraphic Integrity of the Middle Stone Age Levels at Blombos Cave. In
D’Errico F., and L. Backwell (Eds)., from Tools to Symbols, pp: 441–458. Johannesburg:
Witwatersrand University Press.
Gliganic, L. A., Z. R. Jacobs, G. Roberts, M. Dominguez-Rodrigo & A. Z. P. Mabulla. 2012, Journal of
Human Evolution, 62: 533–547.
Henshilwood, C. S. 2007. Fully Symbolic Sapiens Behavior: Innovations in the Middle Stone Age at
Blombos Cave, South Africa. In P. Mellars, K. Boyle, O. Bar-Yosef, and C. Stringer. (Eds).,
Rethinking the Human Revolution, pp: 123–132. Cambridge: MacDonald Institute for
archaeological researchItambu, M.P. 2013. The Rock Art of the Iringa Region, Southern Tanzania. A Descriptive and Comparative
study: MA dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.
Itambu, M.P. & P.M. Bushozi. 2015. The Rock Art of Iringa Region: Another Avenue for Rock Art
Studies in Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Journal of African Archaeology Network,12: 182–200.
Kohl-Larsen. 1943. Auf den Spuren des Vormenschen. Stuttgart: Strecker und Schröder
Leakey, M. 1983. African’s Vanishing Art. London. Harish Hamilton.
Lambert, D. J. 1994. Conserving Australian Rock Art, a Manual for Site Managers. Aboriginal Studies Press.
Lauta, T. C. 2009. Evaluating the Rate of Rock Art Deteriorating in the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park.
KwaZulu-Natal. MA. Dissertation. University of Pretoria, Pretoria.
Lim, I. 1992. A Site Oriented Approach to Rock Art. A Study from Usandawe Central Tanzania. PhD
thesis, Department of Anthropology. Brown University.
Mabulla, A. Z, P. 2005. The Rock Art of the Mara Region, Tanzania. Azania, 24: 15–33.
Mabulla, A. Z. P & A. O. Gidna. 2014. The Dawn of Human Imagination: The Rock Art of NorthCentral, Tanzania. Museo Arqueologico Regional, Alcale de Henares, II: 99–119.
Mabulla, I. M. 2014. Making Sense of a Fragmentary Past: The Rock Art of Simiyu Region, Lake Victoria
Basin, Tanzania. MA. dissertation. Universidade de Train os Montese e Alto. Dauro.
Manega, P. C. 1993. Geochronology, Geochemistry and Isotopic Study of the Plio-Pleistocene Hominid Sites
and the Ngorongoro Volcanic Highlands in Northern Tanzania. PhD dissertation, University of
Colorado, Boulder.
Namono, C. 2010. Surrogate Surface: A Contextual Interpretive Approach to the Rock Art of Uganda. PhD
Thesis. The University of Witwatersrand.
Masao, F.T. 1979. The Later Stone Age and the Rock Paintings of Central Tanzania. PhD thesis, Simon
Fraser University
—. 1982. The Rock Art of Kondoa and Singida: A Comparative Description. National Museum of
Tanzania Occasional Paper no.5
—. 2007. The Rock Art of Singida and Lake Eyasi Basin in Tanzania, London: Duggan Foundation.
Mehlman, M.J. 1989. Later Quaternary Archaeological Sequences in Northern Tanzania. PhD thesis, the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Mercader, J., S. Clarke & M. Itambu. 2021. Phytolith Palaeontiviroments at Mumba Rock Shelter.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9: 1–19. doi: 103389/tevo2021.699609
MNRT. 2012. Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation and Managing Laetoli and
Olduvai Gorge. Dar es Salaam: MNRT Press.
—. 2013. Tourism Status in the NCA: Tourism Development and Statistics, Dar es Salaam: MNRT Press.
Mwitondi, M.S., A. S. Mjandwa, L. Felician & P. M. Bushozi. 2021. Community Engagement in the
Management and Conservation Strategies for Archaeological Sites: A Case of Study of Mumba
Rock Shelter in Northern Tanzania. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 76(215): 125–134.
Oldner, K. 1971. An Archaeological Survey of Iramba, Tanzania. Azania, 6: 98–156
Prendergast, M. E., L. Luque, M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, F. Diez-Martín, A. Z. P. Mabulla & R. Barba.
The Recent Excavations at Mumba Rockshelter, Tanzania. Journal of African Archaeology,
(2): 217–243.
Posnansky, M & C. M. Nelson. 1968. Rock Paintings and Excavation at Nyero, Uganda. Azania, III:
Smith, B. 2017. Rock Art Management and Conservation. In A. L. Smith, E. Cornelissen, O. P.
Gosselain & S. MacEachern (eds.), Field Manual for African Archaeology: pp 146–147. Royal
Museum for Central Africa, https:
Soper, R & B. Golden. 1969. An Archaeological Survey of Mwanza Region, Tanzania, 4: 15–79.
TARA. 2006. Dolwa Island Jewel of Lake Victoria.
Tryon, C. A., J. E. Lewis, K. L. Ranhorn, A. Kwekason & B. Alex. 2018. Middle and Later Stone Age
Chronology of the Kisele II rockshelter (UNESCO World Heritage Kondoa Rock Art Sites). PLoS
One: 13(2). https: //
URT. 1964. The Antiquities Act. Government Printer, Dar es Salaam.
Willoughby, P. R. 2012. The Middle and Later Stone Age in the Iringa Region of Southern Tanzania.
Quaternary International, 270: 103–118.
Watson, J. A. & J. M. Flood. 1987. Tarmac and Wasp Damage to Australian Rock Art. Rock Art
Research, 4: 17–28