he Dilemma of Members of Farmers’ Cooperatives after Liberalisation of Domestic Coffee Marketing: The Case of Moshi and Rombo Districts, Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : David G. Mhando
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
The current economic and marketing reforms in Tanzania have not led to expected
improvement in the productivity, incomes and overall livelihoods of coffee growers.
Consequently, farmer’s cooperatives have been unable to satisfactorily provide the
essential services to their members. This paper analyses the impact of market
liberalisation to members of cooperatives. Data was collected by household surveys, FGD
and interviews, whereby structured questionnaires and checklists were employed.
The study found out that following market liberalisation, Agricultural Marketing
Cooperative Societies (AMCOS) are disorganised and lack strongmanagement. There
is no substantial welfare improvement to AMCOS members dueto the unpredictable
pricing of coffee. The paper recommends that cooperatives become informative and
inquisitive in searching for coffee marketing information.
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Baffes, J. 2004. Tanzania’s cotton sector: Reforms, constraints and challenges. Development Policy
Review, 22(1): 75–96.
Banturaki, J.A. 2000. Cooperatives and poverty alleviation. Dar es Salaam: Tema Publishers Company.
Cooksey, B. 2011. Marketing reform? The rise and fall of agricultural liberalisation in Tanzania.
Development Policy Review, 29,(s1): s57– s81
Ellis, F. 2000. Rural livelihoods and diversity in developing countries. New York: Oxford University Press.
ICA. 1995. International cooperative alliance statement on the co–operative identity. Review of
International Co–operation, 88(4): 85 – 86.
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Tanzania. Lambert Academic Publishing.
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Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd.
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Meru of Tanzania. Lund: Lund Dissertation in Sociology, 41.
Maghimbi, S. 1990. Cooperatives in agricultural development. In: N. O’Neill & M. Kemal (eds.).
Capitalism, socialism and the development crisis in Tanzania, pp. 81–100. London. Avebury, Aldersho
Maghimbi, S. 2006. The organization capacity of cooperatives for peasants and small farmers: A view
from an outside. Paper presented to REDET’s training workshop for leaders of cooperatives, 1 –
February 2006 Bwawani Hotel, Zanzibar. [http://www.oit.org/cooperativesintanzania.pdf],
site visited on 15/2/2011.
––. 2007. Recent changes in crop patterns in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania: The decline of
coffee and the rise of maize and rice. African StudyMonographs, Supplement, 35: 73–83.
––. 2010. Cooperatives in Tanzania Mainland: Revival and growth. CoopAFRICA Working Paper
No.14. [http://www.oit.org/cooperativesintanzania.pdf], site visited on 25/4/2011.
Mahdi, S. 2008. The Impact of Regulatory and Institutional Arrangements on Agricultural Markets
and Poverty: A case study of Tanzania’s coffee market, draft November 14, 2008.
[http://www.ippg.org.uk/papers/coffee market] site visited on 23/2/2011.
Mhando, D.G. & J. Itani. 2007. Farmers’ coping strategies to a changed coffee market after
economic liberalization: The case of Mbinga district in Tanzania. African Study Monographs 36:
Mhando, D.G. & G. Mbeyale. 2010. An analysis of the coffee value chain in the Kilimanjaro region,
Tanzania. NCCR North–South Dialogue, No. 27.
Mhando, D.G., T. Haller, G. Mbeyale & E. Ludi. 2013. Adaptation to changes in the coffee value
chain and the prices of coffee among coffee producers in tow villages in Kilimanjaro,
Tanzania. African Study Monographs, 34(1): 27–56.
Morrisey, O. & V. Leyaro. 2007. Distortions to agricultural incentives in Tanzania. Agricultural
Distortions Working Paper, 52 (December). Washington DC.: World Bank.
Moshi, E.H. 2003. Cooperative in competitive market economy: Charting a future for cooperatives
in Tanzania. Paper presented at the Annual Symposium of Cooperative College Moshi, 24–26
Parris, B.D., V.A. Luzadis & W.R. Bentley. 2005. What Tanzania’s coffee farmers can teach the
world: A performance–based look at the fair trade–free trade debate. Sustainable Development,
: 177–189
Sizya, M.J. 2001. The role of cooperatives play in poverty reduction in Tanzania. Paper presented
at the United Nations in observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty,
Nairobi, 17 October.
Skarstein, R. 2005. Productivity in Tanzania: From promised success to real failure, 1985–1998.
Journal of Agrarian Change, 5(3): 334–362.
TFC. 2006. Cooperatives and Development in Tanzania: A simplified guide to the cooperative
development policy and the cooperative societies Act of Tanzania mainland. [http://www.
ushirika.coop/] site visited on 26/4/2011.
Temu, A.A. 1999. Empirical evidence of change in the coffee market after liberalisation. A case of
northern Tanzania. PhD thesis, Urban University.
Temu, A.A., A. Winter–Nelson & P. Garcia. 2001. Market liberalisation, vertical integration and
price behaviour in Tanzania's coffee auction. Development Policy Review, 19(2): 205–222.
United Republic of Tanzania (URT). 2001. Cooperative Development Policy, Ministry of Co–operatives
and Marketing. Dar es Salaam: Government Printer.
—. 2012. Coffee Industry Regulation, Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives. Dar es Salaam:
Government Printer