Houseboying: Negotiating the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, Class and Age in Selected Fiction
Corresponding Author(s) : John Wakota
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 5 2 (2016)
Tracing a thread from the fictionalized pre-colonial to the post-independence period,
this paper analyzes the representation of houseboying by locating it at the
intersection of gender, race and class. Reading the representation of domestic service
against a backcloth of a discourse that constructs the houseboy as a primitive being,
the paper analyzes houseboying as a process of civilization, a form of power relations;
and a site where social inequalities and social differences are produced; contested,
negotiated and renegotiated. Since houseboying requires servile postures and is
stereotypically based on reversal of gender roles, the question this paper asks is: How
does the houseboy acquire them given that his background is portrayed to be
patriarchal per se where even boys are groomed to be prospective paterfamilias? In
analyzing the portrayal of how the houseboy‘s masculinity is compromised and how
he deals with the resultant societal stigma associated with his work, the paper also
examines how, ironically, houseboys are portrayed to be complacent in sustaining and
occasionally enforcing the asymmetrical master-servant relationship. It argues that the
houseboy‘s ?slavish‘ posture is only situational—a performance and a strategic
adaptation to the demands of domestic service.
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Gurnah, A. 1995. Paradise. London: Penguin.
Haile, A. G. & K. A. Siegmann. 2013. Masculinity and Work, Intersectionality and Identity
Constructions of Migrant Domestic Workers in the Netherlands. In T.D., Truong, D. Gasper, J.
Handmaker & S. Bergh (eds.). Migration, Gender and Social Justice - Perspectives on Human
Insecurity. Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London and New York: Springer.
Hand, F. 2011. Impossible Burdens: East African Asian Women‘s Memoirs. Research in African
Literatures, 42(3): 100–116.
Hansen, K.T. 1992a. Distant Companions: Servants and Employers in Zambia1900–1985. Ithaca: Cornell UP.
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NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1–36.
Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. 1994. Regulating the Unregulated? Domestic Workers‘ Social Networks.
Social Problems, 41(1): Special Issue in Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity, 58–64.
Ifi, A. 1987. Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Gender and Sex in an African Society. London: Zed
Jeroen, C. 2014. Work and Masculinity in Katanga‘s Artisanal Mines. Africa Spectrum, 49(2): 3–26.
Kagwema, P. 1983. Society in the Dock. Dar es Salaam: Three Stars Publication
Kearney, J. 2012. The Representation of Child Deprivation in Three Contemporary African Novels
English in Africa, 39(1): 125–144.
Lau, L. 2010. South Asian Mistresses and Servants: The Fault Lines between Class Chasms and
Individual Intimacies. Pakistan Journal of Women?s Studies, 17(1): 33–58.
Lindsay, L. 2005. Shunting between Masculine Ideals: Nigerian Railwaymen in the Colonial Era. In
A. Cornwall (ed.). Readings in Gender in Africa. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 141–147.
Lovejoy, P. & T. Falola. 2003. Pawnship, Slavery, and Colonialism in Africa. Trenton: African World
Lowrie, C. 2009. In Service of Empire: Domestic Service and Colonial Mastery in Singapore and
Darwin, 1890-1930s. PhD thesis, University of Wollongong.
Maghimbi, S. 1994. Pre-capitalist Modes of Production in Tanzania: Reference to Modes of
Production in the Old Ugweno State of North-Eastern Tanzania. UTAFITI (New Series) 1(1): 20–35.
Makokha, J.S.K. 2011. Ethnic Identities and Gender Themes in Contemporary East African
Literature. PhD thesis, Freie Universität, Berlin.
Martinez, J. & C. Lowrie. 2009. Colonial Constructions of Masculinity: Transforming Aboriginal
Australian Men into ?Houseboys‘. Gender & History, 21(2), 305–323.
Mehta, S. & A. Farina, 1988. Associative Stigma: Perceptions of the Difficulties of College-aged
Children of Stigmatized Fathers. Journal of Social Clinical Psychology, 7, 192–202.
Musila, G.A. 2015. A Death Retold in Truth and Rumour: Kenya, Britain and the Julie Ward Murder.
Woodbridge: James Currey.
Nwapa, F. 1966. Efuru. London: Heinemann.
Olaniyi, R. 2009. Economic Crises and Child Trafficking in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis of the 1930s
and 1990s. In A. Osita (ed.), Children and Youth in the Labour Process. Dakar: CODESRIA, 35–62.
Oyono, F. 1966. Houseboy. Trans. John Reed. London: Heinemann, 1966.
Pariser, R. 2015. Masculinity and Organized Resistance in Domestic Service in Colonial Dar es
Salaam. International Labour and Working-class History, 88: 109–129.
Ruhumbika, G. 2009. Silent Empowerment of the Compatriots. Dar es Salaam: E & D Publishing.
Sokko, H. 1977. The Gathering Storm. Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Publishing House.
Stephen, M. 1956. Indians in East Africa: A Study in a Plural Society. The British Journal of Sociology
(3): 194–211.
Turner, V. 1967. The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual. Ithaca and London: Cornell
University Press.
Vassanji, M. G. 1992.Uhuru Street. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart