Early Childhood Care and Education in Water-Scarcity Villages in Tanzania: The Case of Ng’hong’onha Village, Dodoma
Corresponding Author(s) : lyabwene mtahabwa
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2018)
This article presents findings from a study that adopted a concept of the best interests
of the child to investigate stakeholders’ experiences in different water-scarcity contexts
in relation to the care and education of children by using the case of one village in
Dodoma region. Three objectives guided the study: (a) establishing the extent of water
scarcity and its causes in relation to early childhood service delivery; (b) documenting
the effects of water scarcity on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE); and (c)
examining efforts made by village members to curb water scarcity. The study gathered
data from a sample of 37 informants obtained purposively through the deployment of
a case study design and a qualitative research approach. Focus group discussions
(FGDs), interviews and documentary reviews were used as data collection methods. The
results showed that the failure to rectify water scarcity created contexts that paralyzed
almost every life affair of the inhabitants in general, and the quality of ECCE in
particular. There were multiple negative effects associated with water scarcity on the
provision of ECCE, including: less joyful learning, disruptions of study time, eye
diseases, skin diseases and diarrhoea. Overall, the experiences of stakeholders
indicated that the provision of care and education in water-scarcity contexts hardly
realized best interests of the child in most significant ways. By implication, water
signified one of the most important resources worth considering in the planning and
implementation of ECCE programmes.
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