Teachers’ Attitudes towards Sexuality Education: A Case of Primary Schools in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Corresponding Author(s) : Margareth J. Bilinga
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
This paper is about teachers’ attitudes towards teaching sexuality education (SE) in
Morogoro rural and urban districts. It is based on a study which employed mixed
method design and used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. It involved a
sample of 126 teachers residing from Morogoro rural and urban schools. Data were
obtained through interviews and questionnaire. It was revealed that a majority of the
teachers supported the teaching of SE in schools with more support of HIV and AIDS
contents than pregnancy and contraceptives. There was no significant difference in
terms of attitudes between teachers residing in rural and urban schools. This indicates
a paradigm shift towards supporting SE. Despite their positive attitudes, the majority
of teachers felt incompetent in teaching SE. Therefore, there is a need to support
teachers through appropriate training in the provision of SE.
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the fit between need and current programming Responses in India. PhD thesis,
University of Bielefeld, India.
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International Inc. 2008. Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey 2007–08. Dar es
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UNAIDS. 2010. Report on global AIDS epidemic. Geneva: Joint United Nations Joint
Programme on HIV/AIDS AI UNICEF. 2001. Early marriage: Child spouses. Innocienti
digest, Italy. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
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Weaver, A. D., E.S. Byers, H. A. Sears, J.N. Cohen & H.E.S. Randal. 2002. Sexual health
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The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 11: 19–31.
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Sexuality education, Geneva.
WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF. 2011. Global HIV/AIDS Response Epidemic update and health
sector progress toward universal Access 2011.
WHO/World Bank. 2004. Education and HIV and AIDS prevention programme
source book.
Washington: World Bank