What Triggers the Augment in Shinyiha?
Corresponding Author(s) : Devet Goodness
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
This paper presents a description of the augment in Shinyiha1. The overall purpose of the
study was to investigate the function of the segment that appears before the class
prefix of the noun in Shinyiha. Elicitation method was in most cases, in the form of
informal discussion. The findings indicate that the occurrence of the augment in
Shinyiha is triggered by syntactic contexts. Precisely speaking, the occurrence of the
augment is triggered by the type of the construction used. This paper argues that
although the function of the augment may be related to definiteness, specificity and
topicality, these pragmatic functions are partial and are not consistent. Therefore they
cannot be generalized.
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Batibo, H.M. 1985. Le kesukuma (langue Bantue de Tanzanie): Phonologie morphologie. Paris Centre de
Rech d' Echanges et de Documentation Universitarie (Credu).
Chagas, J.E. 1977. The preprefix. In Byarushengo et al (eds), Haya Grammatical Structure - Occasional
Papers in Linguistics No 6, University of Southern Carlifonia, pp. 10–65.
De Blois, K. 1970. The augment in Bantu languages. In Africana Linguistic: Tervuren, pp.85–165
Dewees, J.W. 1971. The role of syntax in the occurrence of the initial vowel in Luganda and some
other Bantu languages. Doctoral dissertation, University of Winsconsin.
Guthries, M. 1967, Comparative Bantu: An Introduction to comparative linguistics and pre-history of the
Bantu languages(4 volumes). Gregg International Publishers Fornborough.
—. 1948. The classification of the Bantu languages. London: Oxford University Press
Greenberg, J.H. 1978. How does a language acquire gender markers? In Greenberg, J.H, Ferguson
& E.A Moravcsik (eds) 47–82.
Hyman, L. & F. Katamba. 1993. The augment in Luganda: syntax or pragmatics? In S.A Mchombo (ed.)
Theoretical aspects of Bantu grammar. Stanford: CSL1 Publications.
Maho, J. 1999. A comparative study of Bantu noun classes. Gotternburg University.
Mkude, D.J. 1974. A study of Kikaguru syntax with special reference to transformational history of
sentences with permitted subject and object. London: University of London.
Mould, M. 1974. The syntax and semantics of the initial vowel in Luganda. In Voeltz, E. (ed.).
Proceedings of the third annual conference on African linguistics, Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, pp 223–230.
Nurse, D. & P. Phillipson. 2003. The Bantu languages. London: Routledge.
Rugemalira, J.M. 2005. A grammatical sketch of Runyambo - Occassional Papers in Linguistics, No 1. Dar
es Salaam: Languages of Tanzania Project, University of Dar es Salaam.
Visser, M. 2010. Definiteness and specificity in the Xhosa determiner phrase in Bantu languages,
analyses, description and theory (ed) by Karsten Legere & Christina Thornel, RUDIGER KOPPE
VERLAG KOLN, Germany, Volume 20.
Yukawa, Y. 1989. A Tonological Study of Nyiha Verbs. Studies in Tanzanian Languages. Institute for
the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILL).pp. 480–500