Agreement Between nPs and Modifiers in Bantu DPs
Corresponding Author(s) : rodrick gregory Ndomba,
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2018)
Agreement is one of the conspicuous characteristics of structural relations holding among
the categories or elements in syntactic constituents—clauses and phrases—in Bantu
languages. This paper focuses on agreement relations in nominal phrases, specifically
agreement between nouns (nPs) and respective elements, also called modifiers, in Bantu
languages. The paper is premised around the Noam Chomsky’s minimalist approach,
which assumes that items or elements in a phrase or clause standing in an agreement
configuration are arranged via successive Merger binary operations taking place in a
bottom-up fashion. Using evidence from Kiswahili, the paper argues that the agreement
between head nouns and its modifiers of DP in Bantu languages stem from the raising of
the head noun – nP. The approach to deriving agreement in Bantu DPs pursued departs
from head specifier relations via government and the raising of N to class prefix via probe
goal relations. The paper has assumed that proper agreement is a function of syntactic
operations, specifically the raising of XP (nP) to Spec DP.
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Lusekelo, A. 2009. The Structure of the Nyakyusa Noun Phrase. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 18(4):
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Eastern Bantu Languages. Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, 7(1): 19–47.
Maho, J. 1999. A Comparative Study of Bantu Noun Classes. Orientalia et Africana Gothoburgensia (Vol.
. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Retrieved from research/
Miyagawa, S. 2005. On the EPP. In M. McGinnis & N. Richards (eds.). Perspectives on Phrases (pp. 201–
. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 49. —. 2010. Why Agree? Why Move: Unifying Agreement-Based and Discourse Configurational Languages.
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
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University College Dublin.
Nurse, D., G. Philippson & D. Odden, 2003. The Bantu Languages. In D. Nurse & G. Philippson (eds.).
London: Routledge.
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London: Hodder Headline Group.
Pesetsky, D. & E. Torrego. 2001. T-to-C Movement: Causes and Consequences. Current Studies in
Linguistics Series, 36: 355–426.
Rizzi, L. 1990. Relativized Minimality. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Rugemalira, J. M. 2007. The Structure of the Bantu Noun Phrase. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics
(Vol. 15).
Yanco, J. J. 1984. Modifiers in Bantu: Evidence from Spoken Lingala. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences,
(2): 139–147.