The Triple Linguistic Heritage in Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges
Corresponding Author(s) : Benedictor Lema
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
##issue.vol## 10 1 (2021)
Colonial history exposes Tanzania to triple linguistic heritage, that has at times plunged
the nation into linguistic confusion. This heritage involves Kiswahili, ethnic community
languages (ECLs) and English. Whereas each of the languages has been limited to some
use through policies, some of the languages have pushed their own way, often breaking
policy boundaries. It is shown in this paper that, firstly, the exclusion of ECLs by postindependence policies has denied the nation important socio-cultural and economic
avenues that could foster rapid social and economic development. Secondly, policies
have not succeeded to strictly confine the three languages to some use. Thirdly, despite
the rigour on English, competence in the language among the population remains
consistently low. Fourthly, sustainable national development can be realized only by
exploiting the triple linguistic heritage already in place in the country.
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Kachru, B. B. 1988. Teaching World Englishes. ERIC/CLL News Bulletin, 12(1): 1, 3, 4, 8.
Kanyoro, M. 1991. The Politics of the English Language in Kenya and Tanzania. In Jenny Cheshire
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Languages of Tanzania Project (LoT). 2009. Atlasi ya Lugha za Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: Mradi wa
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Conference on African Linguistics, 43–54.
—. 2010. Swahili vs. English in Tanzania and the Political Discourse. Studies of the Department of
African Languages and Cultures, 44: 47–66.
Lewis, M.P. 2009. Ethnologue. Languages of the World (16th Edn.). Available at http: //www. [accessed 20 September 2011].
Likwelile, S. 2018. Decentralisation and Development in Tanzania. University of Dar es Salaam and
Pascal Assey, Victoria Foundation.
Lwaitama, A. F & J. M. Rugemalira. 1990. The English Language Support Project in Tanzania. In: C.
M. Rubagumya (ed.). Language in Education in Africa: A Tanzanian Perspective. Philadelphia:
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Maswa and Bariadi Districts. Master of Arts in (Linguistics) Dissertation, University of Dodoma.
Mazrui, A. A & A. M. Mazrui. 1995. Swahili State and Society: Political Economy of an African Language.
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Mekacha, R.O.K. 1993. Is Tanzania Diglossic? The Status and Role of Ethnic Community. Journal of
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Mkilifi, A. m. h. 1972. language in society. doi : 10.1017/S004740450000049X.
Mlekwa, V. M. 1994. Contribution of Literacy Training to Development in the Context of Tanzania:
Emerging Issues and Research Implications. UTAFITI (New Series) Vo/.1 No.1. 1994.
Msanjila, Y.P. 2004. The Future of the Kisafwa Language: A Case Study of Ituha Village in Tanzania.
Journal of Asian and African Studies, 68. 2004.
Mtallo, G. R & Y. N. Masinde. 2018. The Status of Ethnic Community Language(s) Within the
Endogamous and Exogamous Families in Urban Centers of Tanzania. Business Education Journal
(BEJ): II(I): 15 pgs.
Muzale, H.R.T. 2011. Dictionary of Plant Names and Functions in Haya: With English and Swahili Glosses.
Languages of Tanzania Project, University of Dar es Salaam.
Muzale, H.R.T. & J. M. Rugemalira. 2008. Researching and Documenting the Languages of Tanzania.
Language Documentation and Conservation, 2(1): 68–108.
—. 2008. University of Dar es Salaam. Language Documentation and Preservation. 2(1): 68–108 http:
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Nettle, D & S. Romaine. 2000. Vanishing Voices. Extinction of the World’s Languages. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Nida, E.A & R.C. Taber. 1969. The Theory and Practice of Translation. E.J. Brill Leiden, Netherland.
Otieno, J., S. Abihudi, S. Veldman, M. Nahashon, T. Van Andel, H.J. De Boer. 2015. Vernacular
Dominance in Folk Taxonomy: A Case Study of Ethnospecies in Medicinal Plant Trade in
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Pennycook, A. 1994. The Cultural Politics of English As an International Language. New York: Longman
Petzell, M. 2012. The Under-Described Languages of Morogoro: A Sociolinguistic Survey. South
African Journal of African Languages, 32(1): 17–26.
Qorro, M.A. 2009. Parents’ and Policymakers’ Insistence on Foreign Languages As Media of
Education in Africa: Restricting Access to Quality Education-for Those Who Benefit. In: B. BrockUtne & I. Skattum (eds.). Language and Education in Africa. A Comparative and Interdisciplinary
Analysis. Symposium Books: Oxford; pp. 57–82.
—. 2013. Language of Instruction in Tanzania: Why Are Research Findings Not Heeded? International
Review of Education, 59(1): 29–45.
—. 2006. Does the Language of Instruction Affect Quality of Education? A Paper Presented at the
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Roy-Campbell, Z. M. 2001. Empowerment Through Language. Trenton, NJ and Asmara, Eritrea: Africa
World Press.
Rubagumya, C. M. 1989. English Medium Instructions in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Conflict
of Aspirations and Achievements. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 2(2): 107–115.
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Perspective. Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters.
Rubagumya, C.M., O. Afitiska, J. Clegg & P. Kiliku. 2011. A Three-Tier Citizenship. Can the State in
Tanzania Guarantee Linguistic Human Rights? International Journal of Educational Development
(1): 78–85.
Rugemalira, J.M. 2005. Theoretical and Practical Challenges in a Tanzanian English Medium Primary
School, AFRICA & ASIA: 66–84.
Schmied, J. 1985. Attitudes Towards English in Tanzania. English World-Wide, 6: 237–269.
Schmied, J. 2008. East African Englishes. In B. B. Kachru, Y. Kachru & C. L. Nelson (Eds.). The
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Discrimination. Berlin, Mouton De Gruyter Taylor 1963. Skutnabb-Kangas & Phillipson (Eds.)
a, 335–345.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T & R. Phillipson (Eds.) in Collaboration with M. Rannut. 1994. Linguistic Human
Rights: Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter (Contributions to the
Sociology of Language 67).
Swilla, I.N. 2009. Languages of Instruction in Tanzania: Contradictions Between Ideology, Policy and
Implementation. African Study Monographs, 30(1): 1–14, March 2009.
UNESCO. 2003. Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Sixth Session
of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
–29 November 2011, Bali, Indonesia.
—. 2003a. Education in a Multilingual World. Paris: UNESCO Position Document.
—. 2003b. Ad Hoc Expert Group on Endangered Languages. Language Vitality and Endangerment. Ms.
Paris, UNESCO.
—. 2005. Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Paris. 20
October 2005.
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Culture, Dar es Salaam.
—. 1997. Cultural Policy (Policy Statements). Ministry of Education and Culture, Dar es Salaam.
—. 2014. Education and Training Policy. Ministry of Education and Culture, Dar es Salaam.
Wa Thiong’o, N. 1986. Decolonising the Mind. Nairobi: East African Education Publishers.
Wedin, A. 2006. Literacy Practices in Rural Tanzania: The Case of Karagwe, Journal of Multilingual
and Multicultural Development, 27: 3, 225–240. doi: 10.1080/01434630608668777.
Whiteley, W. H. O. 1969. Swahili: The Rise of a National Language. London & New York: Methuen &
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Mouton De Gruyter, 373–400.