Exploring Teachers’ Understandings of School-based Professional Learning in a Tanzanian Secondary School
Corresponding Author(s) : Rehema Japhet Mwakabenga
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020)
Teachers can positively engage in professional learning if they are knowledgeable about its
processes and the roles they can play in it. However, teachers often lack a clear
understanding of what constitutes effective professional learning practices and they are
often unsupported to engage in it. This paper reports on part of a larger study that explored
Tanzanian teachers’ understandings of professional learning prior to participating in a
school-based professional learning (SBPL) model. This teacher-led model of professional
learning supported four secondary school teachers to engage in a professional learning
inquiry based on the needs of their students. Qualitative research methods, such as
interviews and focus group discussions, were used to collect data through an actionresearch design. The findings indicated that the four teachers had limited understandings
of the SBPL concept, and could neither explain how a well-crafted SBPL might be
implemented. Also, they were not familiar with the range of support services available to
help them in SBPL, or aware of the roles they could play in their professional learning.
During the SBPL intervention, the teachers began to develop shared understandings about
its inquiry processes and values to support their learning about teaching. Based on these
findings, it is recommended that teachers be supported to understand and engage in SBPL
to promote their learning, and ultimately enhance students’ achievement.
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Cordingley, P. & N. Buckler. 2014. Pulling Learning Through: Building the Profession’s Skills in
Making Use of Workplace Coaching Opportunities. In O. M. E. Al (ed.). Workplace Learning in
Teacher Education (121–135). Dordrecht: Springer.
Darling-Hammond, L., M. E. Hyler & M. Gardner. 2017. Effective Teacher Professional Development. Palo
Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute Davies, P. & S. Simon. 2019. Affordances Offered By the Material Nature of a Website Designed for
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Cham: Springer.
Dufour, R. 2004. What is a "Professional Learning Community"? . Educational Leadership, 61(8): 6–11.
Feng, L. & J.-L. Ha. 2016. Effects of Teachers' Information Literacy on Lifelong Learning and School
Effectiveness. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12(6): 1653–1663.
Gaible, E. & M. Burns. 2005. Using Technology to Train Teachers: Appropriate Uses of ICT for Teacher
Professional Development in Developing Countries. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Gregory, K. & G. Oliver. 2018. Alternative Approaches to Professional Development. in J. I. Liontas
& M. Dellicarpini (eds.), the TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (1–6). New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons.
Hardman, F. & H. Dachi. 2012. Evaluation of School-Based INSET Pilot Programme (Inception
Report). Retrieved from Https://Www.York.Ac.Uk/Media/Iee/Documents/Final%20report
Hardman, F., J. Hardman, H. Dachi, L. Elliott, N. Ihebuzor, M. Ntekim & A. Tibuhinda. 2015.
Implementing School-Based Teacher Development in Tanzania Professional Development in
Education, 41(4). doi:1080/19415257.2015.1026453
Hargreaves, A. 1994. Changing Teachers, Changing Times: Teachers' Work and Culture in the Postmodern
Age. London: Teachers College Press.
?lhan, E. G. Ç. & A. K. Erba?. 2017. Tracing Teacher Learning Through Shifts in Discourses: The Case
of a Mathematics Teacher. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 13(6):
Juma, S., Lehtomäki, E. & A. Naukkarinen. 2017. Scaffolding Teachers to Foster Inclusive Pedagogy
and Presence Through Collaborative Action Research Educational Action Research, 25(5): 1–17.
Kafyulilo, A. C. 2013. Collaborative Design in Teams to Develop Science and Mathematics Teachers'
Technology Integration Knowledge and Skills. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Universiteit
Twente, Netherlands.
Kafyulilo, A. C., P. Fisser & J. Voogt. 2016. Teacher Design in Teams As a Professional Development
Arrangement for Developing Technology Integration Knowledge and Skills of Science Teachers in
Tanzania. Education and Information Technologies, 21(2): 301-318 doi:10.1007/S10639-014-9321-0
Kyndt, E., N. Govaerts, E. Verbeek & F. Dochy. 2014. Development and Validation of a Questionnaire
on Informal Workplace Learning Outcomes: A Study Among Socio-Educational Care Workers.
British Journal of Social Work, 44(8): 2391–2410.
Lee, C. & L. Richings. 2018. An Overview of Evidence for the National Approach to Professional Learning
in Education. Welsh Government: Cardiff.
Lieberman, A. & L. Miller. 2014. Teachers As Professionals: Evolving Definitions of Staff
Development. in (eds.), New York: The Guilford Press. in L. E. Martin, S. Kragler, D. J. Quatroche
& K. L. Bauserman (eds.), Handbook of Professional Development in Education: Successful Models and
Practices, Prek-12 (3–21). New York the Guilford Press.
Liem, G. A. D., R. A. Walker & D. M. Mcinerney (eds.). 2011. Sociocultural Theories of Learning and
Motivation: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Charlotte, N.C: Information Age Publishing.
Little, J. W. 2012. Professional Community and Professional Development in the Learning-Centered
School: Teacher Learning That Matters International Perspectives, 22–46.
Liu, P. & Q. Xiu. 2019. Teacher Professional Collaboration in China: Practices and Issues Beijing
International Review of Education, 1(1): 162–178.
Mcniff, J. 2013. Action Research: Principles and Practice (3rd Ed.). Milton Park: Routledge.
Mizell, H. 2010. Why Professional Development Matters. Oxford: Learning Forward.
Moevt. 2007. The Teacher Education Development and Management Strategy 2007/08 to 2010/11. Dar
Es Salaam, Tanzania: Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
Mokhele, M. 2013. Empowering Teachers: An Alternative Model for Professional Development in
South Africa. Journal of Social Sciences, 34(1): 73–81.
Msonde, C. E. 2011. Enhancing Teachers' Competencies on Learner-Centred Approaches Through Learning
Study in Tanzanian Schools. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), the University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong. Retrieved from Http://Hdl.Handle.Net/10722/146125
Mtitu, E. A. 2014. Learner-Centred Teaching in Tanzania: Geography Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences.
(Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New
Zealand. Retrieved from Http://Researcharchive.Vuw.Ac.Nz/Xmlui/Bitstream
Mu?oz, P. D. 2007. Exploring Five Mexican English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Their
Professional Development and Its Relation to Autonomy, 10: 19–30.
Mwakabenga, J. R. 2018. Developing Teacher-Led Professional Learning in a Tanzanian Secondary School
(Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Namamba, A. & C. Rao. 2017. Teaching and Learning of History in Secondary Schools: History
Teachers' Perspections and Experiences in Kigoma Region, Tanzania. European Journal of
Education Studies, 3(3): 172–195. doi:10.5281/Zenodo.290606
Noffke, S. E. & B. Somekh. 2009. Introduction. in S. E. Noffke & B. Somekh (eds.), the SAGE Handbook
of Educational Action Research (1–6). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
OECD. 2010. Teacher Professional Development: Europe in International Comparison. Netherlands:
University of Twente.
Pang, N. S.-K. & T. Wang, (eds.). 2018. Global Perspectives on Developing Professional Learning
Communities New York Routledge.
Park, M. & K. So. 2014. Opportunities and Challenges for Teacher Professional Development: A Case
of Collaborative Learning Community in South Korea International Education Studies, 7(7): 96–108.
Schunk, D. H. 2012. Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective (6 Ed.). Boston Pearson Education.
Sinnema, C., A. M. Sewell & A. Milligan. 2011. Evidence-Informed Collaborative Inquiry for
Improving Teaching and Learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39(3): 247–261.
Sinyangwe, M. K., B. Billingsley & Y. Dimitriadi. 2016. Factors Affecting Teachers’ Participation in
Continuing Professional Development (CPD): The Perspectives of Secondary School
Mathematics Teachers in Zambia. in G. Adams (ed.), Proceedings of the British Society for Research
Into Learning Mathematics (55–60). UK Loughborough University.
Stoll, L., A. Harris & G. Handscomb. 2012. Great Professional Development Which Leads to Great
Pedagogy: Nine Claims from Research Nottingham, UK National College for School Leadersh Sun, D., C.-K. Looi, L. Wu & W. Xie. 2016. The Innovative Immersion of Mobile Learning Into a
Science Curriculum in Singapore: An Exploratory Study. Research in Science Education, 46(4): 547–
Swai, C. Z. & F. Glanfield. 2018. Teacher-Led Professional Learning in Tanzania: Perspectives of
Mathematics Teacher Leaders. Global Education Review, 5(3): 183–195.
Timperley, H. 2011. Using Student Assessment for Professional Learning: Focusing on Students' Outcomes
to Identify Teachers' Needs. Melbourne, Australia: Education Policy and Research Division.
Turuk, M. C. 2008. The Relevance and Implications of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory in the Second
Language Classroom. ARECLS, 5: 244–262.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2014. EFA Global
Monitoring Report: Teaching and Learning- Achieving Quality for All. Paris: UNESCO.
Vavrus, F. & L. Bartlett. 2013. Testing and Teaching: The Tanzanian National Exams and Their
Influence on Pedagogy. in F. Vavrus & L. Bartlett (eds.), Teaching in Tension: International
Pedagogies, National Policies, and Teachers’ Practices in Tanzania (93–113). Boston Sense Publishers.
Wilson, E. 2017. School-Based Research: A Guide for Education Students (3rd Ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE